
Páginas: 4 (755 palabras) Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2012
Define atomic radius.
-Atomic radius is hald the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together.
How does the atomic radius change as you move from left to right?-Theatomic radius decreases going from left to right.
Explain carefully why the atomic radius changes across the period.-The change that happens across the a period is caused by the increasing chargeof the nucleus.
How does the atomic radius change as you move down the group?-Atomic radius increase when going down a group.
Explain carefully why the atomic radius changes when you movedown the group.-The atomic radius icreases because the size of atoms increases.
Define ion, ionization, and ionization energy.-Ion is an atom or group of bonded atoms that has a positive or negativecharge. Ionization is the process that results in th formation of an ion. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove one electron from a neutral atom of an element.
How can an electron beremoved?-Electrons are removed with ionization energy.
How does ionization energy relate to the losing electrons?-Ionization energy is the energy it takes for the electron to be c=taken away froman atom.
How come noble gases don’t want to lose electrons?-Noble gases have the perfect amount of electron in their last energy level.
How does ionization energy change within theperiod?-Ionization energy increases across each period.
Explain the reason why the ionization energy changes within the period.-This increase is caused by increasing nuclear charge.
How does theionization energy change down the group?-Ionization energy generally decreases down a group.
Explain why the ionization change when you move down the group.-Electrons from higher energy lever are moreeasily removed.
Which type of ionization energy is higher: second or third? Why?-Third ionization is higher because fewer electrons remain within the atom to shield the attractive force of the...
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