Compulsory voting

Páginas: 4 (792 palabras) Publicado: 22 de junio de 2011
Article 21.

(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equalsuffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Is compulsory voting enforceable?

Even if enforceable, compulsory voting causes anti-govt feelings.
Democracy isbased on the freewill of the individual. Enforcing participation invalidates this.
Random voting. "Voters who are voting against their free will maycheck off a candidate at random. The voter does not care whom they vote for as long as the government is satisfied that they fulfilled their civic duty.

1. Explanation. The non-voter has to provide alegitimate reason for his/her abstention to avoid further sanctions, if any exist.
2. Fine. The non-voter faces a fine sanction. The amount varies between the countries, for example 3 Swiss Francs inSwitzerland, between 300 and 3 000 ATS in Austria, 200 Cyprus Pounds in Cyprus, 10-20 Argentinean Pesos in Argentina, 20 Soles in Peru etc.
3. Possible imprisonment. The non-voter may faceimprisonment as a sanction, however, we do not know of any documented cases. This can also happen in countries such as Australia where a fine sanction is common. In cases where the non-voter does not pay thefines after being reminded or after refusing several times, the courts may impose a prison sentence. This is usually classified as imprisonment for failure to pay the fine, not imprisonment for failureto vote.
4. Infringements of civil rights or disenfranchisement. It is for example possible that the non-voter, after not voting in at least four elections within 15 years will be disenfranchised inBelgium. In Peru the voter has to carry a stamped voting card for a number of months after the election as a proof of having voted. This stamp is required in order to obtain some services and goods...
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