Conductas sexuales en mujeres diagnosticadas con cancer de cervix

Páginas: 2 (354 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2011
The following research was conducted with 40 women coming from Cauca, Valle, Nariño and Putumayo whom are receiving Cervix Cancer treatment at Imbanaco Medical Center and stay at the Paleative CareFundation. The aim was to understand the changes that occur in the sexual behavior after the diagnosis. These changes were categorized in three groups: Changes in the Corporal Image, Changes in theSexual Desire, and Changes in the Sexual Practice. To achieve this objective; an instrument composed by 30 items were apply about the sexual attitude and behavior of the women before and after theDiagnosis. The instrument had two response options: YES/NO according to the behavior.

These results show changes after the diagnosis as a result of the treatment, medicine and the situations to whichwomen are exposed as the disease level . In advance stages the tumors are visible and bad odors are perceived. It is known that the quality of the sexual behavior changes, the low sexual desire andthe perception of the woman as a person declines, therefore not all the women say that their sexuality was appropriated, and that they were sexually satisfied before the diagnosis. This shows us thatthe communication between the couple was inadequate and the woman was not satisfied even before the diagnosis.

The Rational Emotive Therapy was used for the analysis, finding that all of them haveEscape Coping Strategies to avoid facing the reality of the absence of an Assertive Communication. This women with Cervix Cancer Diagnosis present changes in the corporal image after the treatment,with no specification of the stage of the disease, or the surgical or pharmacological consequences of which have been exposed. As a part of the treatment; none of them have had physocolical help thatallow them minimized the effects about the way they perceived their bodies, the way they accept their changes and facing life with dignity, accepting this stage as an option to continue living and...
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