
Páginas: 22 (5456 palabras) Publicado: 25 de marzo de 2011

4' needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the
driver. ,
;. Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared. At that moment another sledge appeared. It, too, was moving fast, and was clearly chasing the first sledge. This driver was a smaller figure, more like an ordinary man. Faster and faster the dogs ran; then the second sledge alsodisappeared behind the mountain of ice.
Two hours passed. The sledges did not appear again. Nothing moved on the ice. Soon night came, and in the night there was a storm. In the morning, the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship. Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again.
'Captain, I can sec a man on the ice.' The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that wasfloating near the ship. A man was sitting on the ice, and

near him was a broken sledge. The man was nearly dead from cold and could not walk. The sailors carried him carefully on to the ship, and took him to the Captain, who said:
'Welcome to my ship. I am the Captain and my name is Robert Walton.'
'Thank you, Captain Walton,' the man said. 'My name is Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein.*
Then hefainted and said no more.
Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story.
'I am trying to catch someone,' said Frankenstein. 'That is why I have come so far north on the ice.*
'We saw you following someone,' the Captain said. 'He was huge, much bigger than a man. We saw his sledge just in front of you on the night before the storm.'
'Iam pleased you all saw that huge figure,' Frankenstein said. 'Perhaps that will help you to believe my story.'
During the days, while the Captain worked on the ship, Frankenstein wrote down his story, and each evening he read what he had written to the Captain.
Here is Victor Frankenstein's story.
Soon night came, and in the night there was a storm.
Victor Frankenstein's Story Begins
2I was horn in Switzerland, in the town of Geneva. My parents loved each other very much, and I learnt from the example of their love. I learnt that to love and to be patient are the most important things in the world.
My mother hoped to have a daughter after I was born, but for five years I was the only child. And then my mother found a sister for me. She was helping a family in which therewere five children. They were very poor, and the children were thin and hungry. One of the children was a little girl, with golden hair and blue eyes. Her name was Elizabeth. My mother took the little girl into our family, and Elizabeth became the daughter that my mother had always wanted. As I grew older, my love for Elizabeth became stronger all the time.
Later my mother had two other sons, Ernestand William. A young woman called Justine came ro live in the house to help my mother with the children. We loved her as much as she loved us.
The years passed happily, and we had everything that we needed. At school I met another very fine person. His name was Henry Clerval, and he was very clever. My family also liked him very much, so he was a welcome visitor to our house.
One of thechildren was a Utile girl, with golden hair and blue eyes. Hex name was Elizabeth.
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Victor Frankenstein's Story

' I studied very hard at school. I wanted to know the secrets of life, and, most of all, I wanted to know how to
i" make living things. I read all thebooks that I could find. One day, something happened that added a new idea to the ideas that I already had. Iwas fifteen at the time, and we were on holiday in the mountains. There was a wild storm, and with it came the most frightening thunder and lightning that I have ever seen in my life. About twenty metres in front of our house was a great tree. Suddenly a huge fork of lightning hit the tree. After a few seconds, there was nothing left of it except a black piece of wood two metres high. The...
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