Coquimbo y Valparaiso

Páginas: 6 (1422 palabras) Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2011

It limits the north with the Atacama Region , south of the Valparaíso Region , east by the Republic of Argentina and the west by the Pacific Ocean and you capital is la serena.
The Region of Coquimbo, for purposes of government and internal administration, is divided into 3 provinces:
Provincia de Elqui , capital Coquimbo . Elqui Province , capital Coquimbo .Provincia de Limarí , capital Ovalle . Limarí Province , capital Ovalle .
Provincia de Choapa , capital Illapel . Choapa Province , capital Illapel .

HISTORIA.-The region was explored by the Spanish under the command of Diego de Almagro , in 1536
As a political-administrative division, the Region of Coquimbo has its origin in the Municipality of Coquimbo , created on September 23 of 1811, the First National Congress

The government of the region lies in the mayor , appointed by the President . Actualmente, el intendente es Sergio Gahona Salazar (UDI) El gobierno y administración de las provincias corresponde a tres gobernadores , nombrados por el Presidente de la República . Currently, the mayor is Sergio Salazar Gahona (UDI) Government and administration of theprovinces up to three governors appointed by the President . Actualmente ( 2011 ), Pablo Argandoña ( Elqui ); Susana Verdugo ( Limarí ); e Iván Cisterna ( Choapa ). Currently ( 2011 ), Paul Argandoña ( Elqui ), Susana Verdugo ( Limarí ), and Ivan Cisterna ( Choapa ).

The Region of Coquimbo is called transversal area of the Valleys. Presenta tres rasgos de relieve: La Cordillera deLos Andes , el Complejo montañoso andino costero y las Planicies litorales . It has three features highlight: The Andes , the Andean mountain complex coastal and coastal plains .

La cordillera de los andes It comes with high peaks, about 6000 M, but continues to decrease from north to south. Al igual que la Región de Atacama , no presenta volcanismo activo Like Atacama Region , no volcanismactive

La cordillera de la costa It is broad and leaves an area of coastal plains , in direct contact with the Pacific Ocean . Estas son especialmente anchas en la desembocadura del río Limarí . These are especially wide at the mouth of the river Limarí .

The climate of the Region of Coquimbo is semi-desert type (semi) or steppe, with vegetation dominated by shrubs and thorns. Lasprecipitaciones se concentran preferentemente durante el invierno. Rainfall is concentrated preferably during the winter.

The agriculture is developed by the intensive use of the valleys of Elqui , Limari and Choapa , with crops vegetables and fruit , favored by the weather.

The main products include the olives , papayas , avocados , apricots , peaches ,nuts , and especially the grapes for export and pisco , which allow the production of pisco , plus raisins (dried grapes) and syrup (grape syrup)

The region has been home to many writers recognized nationally and internationally. La célebre poetisa Gabriela Mistral , premio Nobel de Literatura , nació en Vicuña . The famous poet Gabriela Mistral , Nobel Prize for Literature , wasborn in Vicuña . And The so-called national poet, Victor Domingo Silva , was born in the town of Tongoy .

The region's economy is based primarily on activities related to mining , the agriculture and fishing.
The agriculture is developed through the intensive use of the valleys of Elqui , Limarí and Choapa , with crops vegetables and fruit , favored by the weather
Activitiesfishing Extracted fish, especially sardines and mackerel for industrial purposes, shellfish and crustaceans , and harvested seaweed .

highlighted in this region the fox culpeo, the chinchilla and bobcat.

stands out in this region the clover and Guayacan, which have the appearance of large shrubs and small trees.

the typical food of this region is seafood...
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