Credit Card
The credit card is a tool user identification material, which can be a plastic card with a magnetic strip, a microchip and a number in relief. It is issued by a bank or financialinstitution that authorizes the person to whom it is issued, using it as payment in business attached to the system by signing and displaying the card. It's another form of financing, therefore, the user isto assume the obligation to repay the amount withdrawn and interest payments, bank fees and expenses agreed.
Among the best known of the market are: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, DinersClub, JCB, Discover, Cabal, among others. Large stores and warehouses of the world also issue credit cards to their customers.
Users have limits on the amount they can charge according to the riskpolicy at any given time and the personal characteristics and solvency of each user. Generally not required to pay the total amount each month. Instead, the balance (or "revolving") accumulatesinterest. You can make only a minimum payment and pay interest on the outstanding balance. If you pay in full, no interest is paid.
The biggest advantage is the flexibility it gives the user, who can paytheir balances in full on due date or pay a monthly party. The board sets the minimum payment and finance charges determined for the outstanding balance. Credit cards can also be used at ATMs or at abank to use a cash advance, although unlike debit cards, interest is charged by the willingness, commitment and, in some countries, a tax because it is a loan.
A credit card payment is a paymentin money M1, (credit money) than any other monetary aggregate M0 is not created by central banks but by private banks or shops that give credits. Therefore, the realization of a credit card paymentdepends on the creditworthiness of the issuer of the card. That money is NOT the cardholder's credit, he has to pay.
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