de todo un poco

Páginas: 2 (442 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2013
Stuffed tomatoes


16 tomatoes (tomatoes) of small size
2 spoonfuls of capers (caper plants)
3 gherkins in vinegar
4 anchovies ( kinds of anchovy)
3 hard-boiled eggsBreadcrumbs
5 spoonfuls of olive oil


Wash the tomatoes, them dry and cut a cap it dies of the top part. Estrange carefully the seeds and part of the central flesh,pressing them lightly with the fingers, to eliminate the liquid, and leave them to drain mouth below, on a few napkins of paper, in order that they drain the whole remaining liquid.

Later, peel andpuncture the hard-boiled eggs, spill them in a cavity and mix them with the parsley, the gherkins, the capers and the anchovies, very bad all this. Mix all good, incorporate 3 spoonfuls of oil, andamalgamate all the ingredients, forming a doughy mixture. Ripen if it was necessary, having in it counts the anchovies.

Immediately afterwards, refill the tomatoes, dry well within, with the preparedpasta, with help of a teaspoon, and place them in a refractory source lubricated with the remaining oil.

Finally, dust over the landfill with a bit of breadcrumbs and introduce the source in theoven before warmed to ever age temperature during 20 minutes, approximately, until esten roasts, but not too soft.

Se denomina Renacimiento al fenómeno cultural iniciado en la Edad Moderna queretoma los principios de la antigüedad clásica pero actualizándola, sin renunciar a la tradición cristiana sustituyendo la actividad de lo religioso por el aumento y afirmación de los valores del mundo ydel ser humano.
Muchas de las premisas del Renacimiento se vislumbran e iban ideando ya en tiempos del gótico, en la edad media, por lo que el Renacimiento no supone un corte con lo anterior. Es unarte que se aparta de la fe y la religión frente a la razón, lo que se debe a las nuevas ideas de la sociedad del momento.
El renacimiento causo un cambio absoluto en los dominios del arte; en la...
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