Death With Dignity

Páginas: 3 (584 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2011
Death with Dignity

Death with dignity is a controversial issue in the world today. The term assisted death is the concept of an individual to be able to take his or her own life. People inadvanced stages of terminal illness or persons living on life supporting systems are not allowed to make the decision to end their pain, thus ending their life. It is illegal and a moral issue in almostall the world. I feel that every competent adult has the right and personal liberty to die in a manner and at a time of their own choosing. First, whereas modern medicine has brought great benefitsto humanity, it can´t entirely solve the pain and distress of the dying process. Assisted suicide is punished in accordance to relevant laws in different states. The opposition of religious leadersand Taboo in social life is holding back progress in the issue of the assisted death. While it is important to respect the rights of each person independently of his beliefs and social standing, itis important that people understand the necessity of legalizing the concept of assisted suicide.

Despite all the advances in the world of medicine there are limitations as to certain illnesses whichunfortunately have no cure. For example: Aids, Metastatic Cancer, and Multiple Sclerosis, among others. The degree to which physical pain and psychological distress can be tolerated is differentin all humans. Quality of life judgments are private and personal, thus only the sufferer can make relevant decisions.

It is unacceptable to prosecute well meaning people for assisted suicide. Wemust take in fact that these assisted suicides can be done only by licensed physician and after observing a number of rules. In addition assisted suicide is lawful in the Netherlands, Belgium,Luxembourg, Switzerland, Oregon and Washington. Advance Directives Known as Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney of Health Care are documents made by the patient where he or she expresses an...
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