Desarrollo Gp Con Vst

Páginas: 7 (1714 palabras) Publicado: 8 de mayo de 2012
Getting Started with VST: WinForms and Controls - Part 1
If you have been around Microsoft Dexterity long enough, by now you are already aware that Dex is not an object oriented development environment, and rather supports a concept called object-based development. In the traditional sense, Dexterity does not allow you to define classes and derive objects from those classes. However, someonefigured out that a Dexterity form can act as a container or class, with the Scripts and Functions tabs allowing you to define the contructors, destructors and methods for the class. In addition, adding fields to a window and setting the proper values for those fields allows developers to set the state of an object. Given the nature of the form and how the scripts on that form are called, and thevalues for fields on windows are set, forms can simulate classes with public and private methods in traditional object oriented programming terms.

Thank goodness, you don't need to do all this in Visual Studio! VST allows you to define a WinForm, or in simple terms, a Windows Form. Forms in VST cannot be grouped as you would normally do in Dexterity, so in that sense, they behave like typicalDexterity window, but they still provide all the functionality, including the look and feel due to the inherited properties created with the Dexterity Bridge assembly.

Customer Hobbies WinForm

Our example today, will show how to add the equivalent of a Dexterity form trigger, known in VST as a menu handler event. Typically, form triggers add an entry to the Additional menu on a Dexterity form.Today, we will add a Customer Hobbies form and will then add a menu handler event to the Customer Maintenance form to call our form.

1) Open Visual Studio. Go to File > New > Project to create a new Visual Studio project.

2) Find the Dynamics GP in the Project Types pane, then choose Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-In from the installed templates pane.

3) Enter a name for the project. Wewill be naming our project GPWinForm.

4) Click OK to continue

5) Make sure your GPAddIn.cs code looks like this:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Dexterity.Bridge;
using Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications;
using Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.DynamicsDictionary;

namespace GPWinForm
public classGPAddIn : IDexterityAddIn
// IDexterityAddIn interface

public void Initialize()


6) We will first define our WinForm. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the project name and navigate to Add > New Item as shown in the figure below.

7) In the Add New Item window we will highlight Microsoft Dynamics GP Form and name our formrmCustomerHobbies.cs. Click on Add to continue.

8) Here comes VST into play! When the form is defined, you will notice a set of providers at the bottom of the design window, as shown below.

These providers allow WinForms and certain controls to inherit properties unique to Dexterity windows and controls. In the example, our WinForm is given a Control area and a Status area by default. To changethe window title, locate the Text property in the Properties window and edit to Customer Hobbies.

9) Now, let's add some controls -- you will need to resize your window accordingly. We will add a few prompts (known as labels in Visual Studio) and a few strings (known as text boxes in Visual Studio). First our text boxes:

a) Click on the TextBox control in the Toolbox. We will add theCustomerNumber field. Set the properties for the field as follow:

b) Now, let's add the CustomerName field. We can follow the same steps used in (a). At the end your window should look like this:

In traditional Dexterity style, these two fields will inherit the values displayed in the Customer Maintenance window when a record is selected and the Customer Hobbies window is selected.

10) Now we...
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