
Páginas: 2 (487 palabras) Publicado: 23 de julio de 2012
1 a long rod or rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon.
• an amount of food or another substance formed into a regular narrow block :a bar of chocolate | gold bars.
• a band of color or light, esp. on a flat surface : bars of sunlight shafting through the broken windows.
• see crossbar .
• a sandbank or shoal at the mouth of aharbor, bay, or estuary.
• Brit. a rail marking the end of each chamber in the Houses of Parliament.
• Heraldry a charge in the form of a narrow horizontal stripe across the shield.
2 a counteracross which alcoholic drinks or refreshments are served.
• a room in a restaurant or hotel in which alcohol is served.
• an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served.
•[usu. with adj. ] a small store or booth serving refreshments or providing a service : a dairy bar.
3 a barrier or restriction to an action or advance : political differences are not necessarily abar to a good relationship.
4 Music any of the sections, typically of equal time value, into which a musical composition is divided, shown on a score by vertical lines across the staff.
5 ( the bar) apartition in a courtroom, now usually notional, beyond which most persons may not pass and at which an accused person stands : the prisoner at the bar.
• a similar partition in a legislativeassembly : he had to appear at the Bar of the House for a reprimand by the Speaker.
• a plea arresting an action or claim in a law case.
• a particular court of law.
• any kind of tribunal: : the bar ofpublic opinion.
6 ( the Bar) the legal profession.
• lawyers collectively.
• Brit. barristers collectively.
verb ( barred , barring ) [ trans. ]
1 fasten (something, esp. a door or window) with abar or bars : she bolts and bars the door.
• (usu. be barred) prevent or forbid the entrance or movement of : boulders barred her passage | she was barred from a men-only dinner.
• prohibit...
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