
Páginas: 2 (415 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2013
The public dining room that came ultimately to be known as the restaurant originated in France, and the French have continued to make major contributions to the restaurant’s development. The firstrestaurant proprietor is believed to have been one A. Boulanger, a soup vendor, who opened his business in Paris in 1765. The sign above his door advertised restoratives, or restaurants, referring tothe soups and broths available within. The institution took its name from that sign, and “restaurant” now denotes a public eating place in the English, French, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Norwegian,Romanian, and many other languages with some variations.
Development of the restaurant. Boulanger operated a modest establishment; it not until 1782 that La Grande Taverne de Londres, the first luxuryrestaurant, was founded in Paris. The owner Antoine Beauvilliers, a leading culinary write and gastronomic authority, later wrote L’art du cuisinier (1814) a cook book that became a standard work onFrench culinary art. Beauvilliers achieved a reputation as an accomplished restaurateur and host, and the French aphorist and gastronomic chronicler, Jean-Athelme Brillat Savarin, a frequent guest,credited Beauvilliers with being the first to combine the four essentials of an elegant room, smart waiters, a choice cellar and superior cooking.

El comedor público que llegó finalmente a ser conocidocomo el restaurante se originó en Francia y los franceses han continuado haciendo importantes contribuciones al desarrollo del restaurante. El propietario primer restaurante se cree que ha sido una A.Boulanger, un vendedor de sopa, que abrió su negocio en París en 1765. El letrero sobre la puerta de su publicidad restauradores o restaurantes, en referencia a las sopas y caldos disponibles dentro.La institución tomó su nombre de ese signo, y "restaurante" ahora indica un lugar público, comer en los otros idiomas de inglés, francés, holandés, danés, español, noruego, rumano, y muchos con...
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