Dossier La Joven De La Perla

Páginas: 7 (1637 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
La joven de la perla

1. A la primera escena Griet, la protagonista principal, s’acomiada
de la seva família. Què li aconsella la seva mare?
2. A quin any i a quina població transcorre la història?
3. Per a qui treballarà Griet?
4. Com és la seva habitació de la nova casa?
5. Quan Griet ja treballa a la casa s’organitza una festa. Què es
6. Qui ésVan Ruijven?
7. Griet demostra tenir una especial sensibilitat cromàtica quan
pregunta si ha de netejar els vidres d’una finestra. Quin
raonament dóna Griet?
8. Qui és Pieter?
9. Uns operaris porten a l’estudi del pintor un objecte de grans
dimensions. De quin objecte es tracta?
10. Amb quina filla del matrimoni Vermeer té problemes
11. Què respon Griet quan el pintor li pregunta dequin color
són els núvols?
12. Anomena alguns dels productes amb què Jan Vermeer
fabrica les seves pròpies pintures.
13. Per encàrrec del pintor, Griet comença a fer altres feines
a la casa. Quines feines són aquestes?
14. De quina forma intervé Griet en el resultat final del
quadre Dona a la finestra ?
15. Com castiguen a Cornèlia per acusar maliciosament a
16. Només en unaescena podem veure els cabells de Griet.
De quin color són aquests?
17. Griet accepta posar-se unes arracades per posar com a
model. Amb quin problema es troba aleshores?
18. Què fa Catharina quan veu per primera vegada el quadre
de Griet acabat?
19. Com finalitza la relació entre Griet i la família Vermeer?

Complete the next text using the words in the box domesticfinal documents painters headman lenses sensitivity obscura rare divides inherited represent

(b. 1632, Delft, d. 1675, Delft)
Jan or Johannes Vermeer is one of the great Dutch ……………………… of the 17th century. He was born in 1632 in Delft where he lived and worked all his life. His paintings are admired for the ……………………… with which he captured effects of light and colour andfor the poetic quality of his images. His career is enigmatic and there are not many contemporary references to him in official …………………… . We don’t know much about his apprenticeship as an artist. His teacher may have been Leonaert Bramer, a Delft artist who was a witness at Vermeer's marriage, or the painter Carel Fabritius of Delft. Another possible influence was the painter HendrickTerbrugghen. We know that in 1653 he entered the painters' guild in Delft where he was elected …………………… some years later. Although Jan Vermeer created some of the most exquisitepaintings in Western art, his works are ………………… . Only 35 or 36 paintings are attributed to him and most of them are portray figures in interiors.

Perhaps he did not paint much because he earned most of hisliving by means other
than painting. His father kept an inn and was a picture-dealer and Vermeer ……………………… both businesses. In spite of this he had grave financial troubles. His wife had eleven children and he had a large family to support. She was declared insolvent in the year after his death. Only three of Vermeer's paintings are dated - The Procuress (1656), The Astronomeer (1668), and TheGeographer(1669). It is difficult to fit his other paintings into a convincing chronology, but his work …………………… into three clear phases. Two works ………………………… the first phase: Christ in the House of Mary and Martha and Diana and her Companions. Both of them are probably from a year or two before The Procuress. They are very different from Vermeer's other works in their large scale and their subjectmatter. In the central part of his career Vermeer painted images of ………………… life. The majority show one or two figures in a room engaged in domestic or recreational tasks. The predominant colours are yellow, blue, and grey. Another painting of this period is The Artist's Studio in which Vermeer shows a back view of a painter, perhaps an enigmatic self-portrait. In the third and …………………… phase...
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  • La Joven De La Perla
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