
Páginas: 2 (289 palabras) Publicado: 6 de febrero de 2013
The ghost and spirits isn´t something new because exist since a very long time and all it don´t have explication as proof of that they are here. Anne Boleyn'sghost has been seen since his death en1536. The Queen, the second of six wives of Henry VIII, was beheaded by her husband sent her guilty of adultery and incest.She was a queen in England but her husband's command to kill. This is just one example the ghost in history.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9ZyvmdcP1JY/TI_35O2_u8I/AAAAAAAACCc/tLc7VYpeZg4/s1600/ANA+BOLENA.jpg

The ghost hunters have proofs when measure energy of some places that have famous for be haunting and is thehigher to of the normal place. For example in Amityville A man killed his family because he possessed a spirit, the police did not believe him, But later anotherfamily who lived in that house something just happened then decided to investigate and to measure the energy of the house discovered that there were ghosts and thisis a true story. there is a film of this story.
I am not of the person that thought that thelife fiaished with the dead. I think that of any form come back to this world, I think that the spirits are here. (Foto 79) In Mexico for example, peoplecelebrate the Day of the Dead because people believe that the spirits come to visit and this habit has more than 200 years. over 65% of Mexicans believe in ghosts.http://tejiendoelmundo.wordpress.com/2009/09/06/las-100-mejores-fotos-de-fantasmas-de-la-historia-2/ fotos 56 y 79
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