Early Childbearing
Professional Communication Seminar 2011
Early Childbearing: A Problem Beyond the Health Care Sector
•Early Chilbearing: pregnancy in a young woman between 15 ‐ 19 years old, regardless of whether she is married or is legally an adult • Adolescent Birth Rate (ABR): births per 1000 woman aged 15‐19 yearsEarly Childbearing: A Problem Beyond the Health Care Sector
• 13 million children are born to women under age 20 worldwide, more than 90% in developing countries. •Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of mortality among women between the ages of 15 and 19 in such areas. The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world is in sub‐SaharianAfrica, where women tend to marry at an early age. • Giving birth while still a teenager is strongly associated with disadvantage in later life. Reducing teenage births offers an opportunity to reduce the likelihood of poverty, and of its perpetuation from one generation to the next.
Early Childbearing: A Problem Beyond the Health Care Sector
ABR in Developed Countries. UNICEF. 1998.
ABR KoreaJapan Switzerland Netherlands Sweden Italy Spain Finland France Belgium Germany Canada Hungary United Kingdom United States 2.9 4.6 5.5 6.2 6.5 6.6 7.9 9.2 9.3 9.9 13.1 20.2 26.5 30.8 52.1ABR: Births per 1000 women aged 15‐19 yr Source: A league table of teenage births in rich nations. UNICEF. 2001.
Early Childbearing: A Problem Beyond the Health Care Sector
EpidemiologyABR in Latin‐American Countries. UNICEF. 2006.
ABR Brazil Peru Chile Uruguay Costa Rica Argentina Paraguay Haiti Mexico Bolivia Venezuela Guatemala Colombia Ecuador 56 59 59 61 63 63 65 69 82 88 91 92 96 100ABR: Births per 1000 women aged 15‐19 yr Source: Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival Country Profiles. UNICEF. 2010.
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