Early People
early People of the Aegean
Knossos: an ancient Minoan city on the island of Crete
Shrines: altar, chapel or other sacred place.
Frescoes: watercolor, painting done on wet plaster.Trojan War: in Greek epic poems and myths, a ten year war between Mycenae and the city of Troy in Asia Minor.
Straits: narrow water passage
- Was a blind poet who wandered fromvillage to village singing of heroic deed.
- Created The Iliad and The Odyssey.
How does the art at knossos reflect minoan culture?
1. Religion images indicate that the Minoan worshiped thebull as well as mother. Goodness.
2. Frescoes showing leaping dolphins reflect the important of the sea to the Minoan people.
3. The paintings also suggest that women appeared freely in publicand may have enjoyed more rights than women in most other ancient civilizations.
4. Other frescoes show young men and women strolling through gardens.
The Trojan War:
• The conflict mayhave had its origins in economic rivalry between Mycenae and Troy
• Troy, a rich trading city in present-day Turkey that controlled the vital straits, or narrow water passages connecting theMediterranean Sea and the Black Sea
• According to the Greek legend, however, the war had a romantic cause.
• Paris prince of Troy fells in love with Helen. He goes to visit Menelaus (husband ofHelen) he takes back Helen with him to Troy (She went with Paris to Troy ( Helen went with Paris voluntary).
• Mycenaean’s and all the kings of Greece sail to Troy to rescue and to recuperateHelen. When they get there the city is protected with a great all walls. They fight for 10 years. Odysseus, king of Ithaca comes up with the idea of a great horse. The Greek soldiers hide inside. TheTrojan believes it was a gift from the gods and brings the horse inside the city. The Greeks wait until the Trojans sleep; they get out of the horse and burn the down the city and kill everybody....
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