Eclipse - Java

Páginas: 18 (4429 palabras) Publicado: 16 de julio de 2011

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Java, Eclipse, Maven & JSF tutorial
Maven 2 is a powerful tool thatpromotes convention over configuration and you need to integrate it into one of the popular integrated development environments (IDEs) called eclipse to make your work easier, thus increasing your productivity and project quality. This tutorial provides an example of how to make Maven and Eclipse collaborate. Also covers the popular JSF Web framework.


K. Arulkumaran & A. SivayiniWebsite: Feedback email:

2 Table Of Contents Notations ..................................................................................................................... 3 Tutorial 1 – Java, Maven and Eclipse .................................................................. 4 Tutorial 2 – Java Web, Maven andEclipse....................................................... 16 Tutorial 3 – JSF, Maven and Eclipse.................................................................. 28 Appendix ................................................................................................................... 58

3 Notations
Command prompt:


File Explorer or Windows Explorer:

Internet Explorer:

4 Tutorial 1 –Java, Maven and Eclipse This tutorial will guide you through building a simple Java application from scratch using popular tools like eclipse and maven. This tutorial will be handy for those who are new to maven/eclipse/Java.
Install the following programs. In this tutorial I have installed them under c:/java. Java 1.5 (JDK1.5 & JRE1.5) site: .Also set the environment properties JAVA_HOME (e.g. C:\java\jdk1.5.0) and add to the path (e.g. %JAVA_HOME%\bin). If installed correctly you should be able to test it by opening a command prompt and typing C:\>java –version Results in: java version "1.5.0_11" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing)Maven 2.0.7. Site: Set the environment variables M2_HOME (e.g. C:\java\maven-2.0.7) and add to the path (e.g. %M2_HOME%\bin). If installed correctly you should be able to test it by opening a command prompt and typing: C:\>mvn --version Results in: Maven version: 2.0.7 Java version: 1.5.0_11 OS name: "windows xp" version: "5.1" arch: "x86" Open the “settings.xml”file under C:\java\maven-2.0.7\conf folder and set your local repository as follows: C:/java/.m2/repository Also if your internet access is through a proxy server then configure your proxy server in “settings.xml” for example: optional true http proxyuser proxypass webproxy 8080, Eclipse 3.3.0 (Europa). Site:

So far we have installedthe programs under c:/java. Now we need to create a folder for
our tutorials as c:/tutorials. Also create an eclipse workspace “C:\java\eclipse-tutorial-

workspace” where metadata get stored. It is the best practice to separate IDE specific (i.e. C:\java\eclipse-tutorial-workspace) files from the projects (i.e. c:/tutorials) specific files. C:/java folder

C:/tutorials folder

Nowlet’s have maven into play. One of the powers of maven is its principle of “convention over configuration”. You can run the following command to create a maven project structure. C:\tutorials>mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.mytutorial -DartifactId=simple The above command results in some directories & files created under c:/tutorials. E.g. C:\tutorials\simple project called “simple” “src”...
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