Nowadays one of the most important things humans have to resolve is the Ecology challenge, because most of the activities we do, are damaging the environment,our home and the legacy for future generations. In 2005 the UN alerted the world: more than the half of the world population was already living in cities and if that continues with the same rhythm, for2025 the percentage will increase until 68% and that means that cities will grow but forests will decrease or finally disappear. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate how are the things now,some risks and the solutions for a warning planet.
It all started since the Second Industrial Revolution when people started to migrate from the country to cities, in those cities factorieswhere beginning to build and the main source of energy was coal and then petroleum. Factories polluted a lot but most of the people did not care about the contaminants. Global Warming started since thattime, global warming happens when the solar light enters to the atmosphere but they do not go out due to the layer of greenhouse gases, in its most Carbon Dioxide (CO2), there are other gases such asMethane (CH4), Chlorofluorocarbon compounds, Ozone (O3) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOX). If the concentration of these gases is higher, higher will be the heat on Earth. The consumption of coal andpetroleum has raised the concentration of carbon dioxide in his maximum levels. In fact during the 19th and 20th centuries the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased 28% and that isbecause of cities, transport and energy.
The population growth calculated for the next decades has altered the studies of the urban problems. The estimated projections reach the number of 12thousand millions people for the second half of the 20th century, which restates where they are going to live and with what resources they are going to be satisfied. For some it represents a critical...
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