The recycle movement
Sergio Tovar Benítez
Subject: technology
Teacher: Aída Hernandez
October, 2012.
Identify the Problem
I am studying in the Instituto Anglo Britanico this school has the IB accreditation. So, during this school year I have learned new things about the IB philosophy because now I am in the middle year’s program… I am in 6° grade. For example nowI have French class, I have more teachers I am working the areas of interaction, and in my technology class I use a notebook learning the design cycle… My teacher want to follow the design cycle for all projects and I am starting the investigate stage I don’t know exactly what is the definition of the problem but my teacher told me 2 situations of daily life to solve. Now among all are trying todefine a problem. We found that the mothers spend a lot of money and generate garbage during Christmas decorations. In technology class I saw a video about the plastic bags and I feel that plastic bags aren’t useful as cloth bags that can be used an eternity. Plastic bags are contamination by themselves, but plastic bags aren’t only the death of animals, aren’t another waste in the world, aren’tonly 300 years of contamination; plastic bags can be also used to make recyclable bags they can be used as energy but the problem is that is easier to use a new plastic bag than to recycle one. There are a lot of porpoises that we can give to plastic bags the only thing we need to do is recycle.
Develop design brief
1. What is the process to create plastic bags?
2. What is thehistory of plastic bags?
3. How do plastic bags affect the world?
4. What is the material of plastic bags?
5. Why the plastic bags were invented?
6. Why the people prefer to use plastic bags?
7. Which countries are more affected by plastic bags?
8. What kind of product can we make of plastic bags?
9. Which or what are the subtitles of plastic bags?
Answering GuidingQuestions
llasticis a synthetic material made by man, and can take many forms.Sometimes is useful but when you waste it it´s the most dangerous material.
In its smallest form it is a polymer, large molecule chain of repeating structures units.Ooh, I don’t know what a polymer is; I will investigate it.Then of investigate I continue without knowing what is a polymer but I suppose that is amolecular structure.Most of these molecules in the chain are familiar to you already, for example, carbon and oxygen. I remember what is carbon and oxygen but not a polymer.When these chains are linked together they form artificial solids, otherwise known as the plastic. With the research about the Plastic bags, we know that the plastic bags have a process to do them; the key ingredients to createplastic bags are the petroleum and natural gases; which are changed and mixed to make polymers.
These components are heated broken apart, and then recombined with several additives with different purposes: adding color, providing fire resistance or simply protecting from degrading in the future; and that's why plastic bags have a very large life killingthe environment.The plastic bags affect manyanimals and kill them because animals eat that plastic; they believe that is foodand they finish asphyxiating themselves.The bags really take 500 years to break downand the life of the bags will finish when the sons of the sons of the sons of the sons of my sister and her die. The ingredients that affect the environment are petroleum and natural gasthat are fossil fuels which make fire which destroythe ozone which get more sun and heat which are global warming.
The most affected countries with the plastic bags are the ones with most population like:
* China
* India
* Argentina
* Russiabecause is one of the most populated countries in the world.
* Brazil
Mexico City consumes an estimated 20 million per daythat's a complete stadium. In 2009, the legislative...
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