Ejercicios ingles

Páginas: 6 (1387 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2012
Ejercicios de Inglés


1. Choose de correct answer:

- They don’t realise / admire that she dances well.
- What is your favourite subject / mark?
- She’s convinced / pleased that she will fail the exam.
- You have to concentrate / arrange on your exam.
- It is an strange / familiar animal I haven’t seen it before.
- It doesn’t matter / exchange me what you do.
-It wasresponsible / surprised when I was at school.
- Actually / Fortunatelly I don’t want to go to the party.
- It is a profitable / boasting job. You can win a lot of money.
-It is not acceptable / profitable to wear jeans for running
- You have to rush / pass on. It’s late!

Adjectives and prepositions

2. Translate.

- Sus profesores están decepcionados con él.

- Ella se sorprendió con los resultados de suexamen.

- Julia no está satisfecha con sus notas.

- Estoy preocupada por la salud de mi abuela.

- Nosotros estamos orgullosos de ella.

- Ella es terrible en el baile (bailando)

- Estamos emocionados con el nuevo libro.


3. Completa añadiendo un sufijo a las palabras siguientes:

Important, Curious, Appear, Member, Imagine, Differ

- He looks like a monster.I don’t like his _________________
- This exam has got _______________ for the next term.
- He’s ______________ of the football’s club.
- She’s always dreaming. He has got a lot of _______________
- I don’t see the ______________ between the solutions.
- She’s interested in music so she has got __________ curiosity in this subject.
4. Completa con gerundio o infinitivo:

-I enjoy ____________(meet) new people.
-I thought of ____________ (call) you yesterday.
- I want __________ (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
- ___________ a lot of homework is tired. (Do)
- I hope __________ (find) the solution of the problem.
- You need ____________ (go) to the doctor.


4. Traduce:

Yo estoy acostumbrado a levantarme temprano.

Tendré que acostumbrarme a levantarmetemprano.

Él está acostumbrado a trabajar los sábados.

Ella se está acostumbrando a vivir en una ciudad.

Nosotros estamos acostumbrados a viajar en autobús.

Me estoy acostumbrando a trabajar en una oficina.

Ellos se están acostumbrando a estudiar todos los días.

Tuve que acostumbrarme a levantarme temprano.

Paul nunca se acostumbró a vivir en el campo.
No estoy acostumbrado a viajar enavión.

5. Completa con “used to” / “be used to” / “get used to”:

-We ________________ go to the discos when we were young.
-I am ___________________ my new teacher.
-Famous people ________________ receiving letters from fans.
- In the past, she _______________ spend all her free time playing computer games.
- _______ you _________ (watch) a lot of films when you were young?
- Boys___________________ (not) expressing their errotions.


1. Traduce al inglés sustituyendo las expresiones subrayadas por un phrasal verb:

-La policía está investigando el robo.

- Ayer pasé dos horas buscando mis llaves.

-Ella cuida a su hijo por las mañanas.

- Admiro mucho a la gente que trabaja en ONGs.

-Tengo muchas ganas de ir de vacaciones.


2. Completa congerundio o infinitivo:

-Nobody invited him ____________ (sit) down.
- I want ___________ (talk) to you.
- It is good enough _____________ (buy).
-I can’t help ______________ (cry).
- I don’t mind ____________ (lend) you this book.
- He refuse ___________ (join) the music club.
- They have decided ________________(join) a trip net month.
- I enjoy _______________ (play) computer.


1. Completa las frases usando los verbos siguientes:

Close, boil, cost, cost, like, like, meet, open, teach, wash

-The shops in the city centre usually _______________ at 9 o’clock in the morning.
-The city Museum ________________ at 5 o’clock in the evening.
-Tina is a teacher. She ______________ mathematics to young children.
-My job is very interesting. I ____________ a lot of...
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