El Hombre Que Calculaba

Páginas: 2 (381 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2012
Present perfect
the present perfect is used in the English language to narrate events that have already occurred in a time-specific or not, in the past but still have a relevance in the present.Corresponds in structure with the present perfect in Spanish, i.e., the verb is constructed with the auxiliary verbs have or if you have third-person singular (he, she, it), plus the participle of theverb: subject verb participle have has last, but not always in use: I have been married for two years.

In the sense of the previous example, it is especially important to use to connect the pastwith the present and even future. Hence, frequent use adverbs of time as for, since, etc.
I have eaten an apple.
I've bought a car.
I've never been to Salamanca.
I have notfinished yet.
How many times have you seen that film?
Have you been to the Prado?
With already, (not) yet or just

While for and since set when the action is over, shares downalready and yet still not finished. Yet only be used in negative and question and can only be used already in the affirmative:
already: and, p. e.g. I have already done my homework (I've done myhomework.);
just: finish, p. e.g. I have just done my homework
(not) yet: not yet, still, p. e.g. I have not done my homework yet

Future perfecto

There are several tenses to talk about the future inEnglish. See also the future with will, going to the future, the future with the present continuous and future continuous. Let's look at the future perfect aqua .Se uses: To talk about something thathas terminated imagine a future time (! But really has not happened yet!)


The film starts at 7.00pm and is 2 hours long.

Is formed:

Yes - subject + will + have + past participleI Will Have finished the book by tomorrow (I have done this book for tomorrow).
Negative - subject + will not / won 't + have + past participle
I Will not Have finished the book by tomorrow (not...
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  • El hombre que calculaba

Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas