El Hombre Y La Narturaleza

Páginas: 2 (355 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
Thanks to the time we dedicated to this work now we know a lot of thing about our environment. Before this work we never ask ourselves about how can our breed could get here? Or thingslike the various types of animals we can see or not but it exist in the worlds and we don’t know that in the world we have been compared to the animals just a short time but both the worldhave been our house for a long time and like our house we must keep it as our the most appreciated thing because the world have been giving to us all we need like food, dwelling and themost important thing the possibility of live. In the time we are living there are a lot of problems with the conservation of the planet due to we during our live in the earth we havenever think about what could happened to the earth we each one of our technological advances either aerosols or cars and now we are paying the consequences of our own actions that can put oursurvival at risk because if the earth continues to heat our body may not resist that heat and the most part of the population of the world could die and the humans would disappear. If wesurvive to that heat more problems would come because the mosquitoes reproduce quickly when they are in hot environments bringing illnesses that could affect the people to make mattersworse the heat made the planktons die leaving fish without food dying in the same way in the end we are the affected because we don’t have food taking into account that the grass and theplants dried with lot of heat affecting animals that eat those plants. Fortunately the humanity realized on time the injury we made to the harmony of the world that we think we damage andwe are just in time to fix the problem and save the wonderful house we are with all those animals and the beautiful plants and flowers and the most important thing continue enjoy our wolrd
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