El Jinete Sin Cabeza

Páginas: 2 (265 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
Alexa Sheyemeni Rubio Gómez Ulises Lelo de Larrea
Bárbara Jackeline Jiménez Cuevas Javier Omar Huerta Preciado1D

In the story, the man who becomes the Headless Horseman is a German mercenary hired by the British navy in 1776 to support British troops inthe revolution. Of the 548 German mercenaries who were killed during the revolution, he is hunted by enemy soldiers near Sleepy Hollow (New York) anddecapitated with his own sword. According to local legend, the Headless Horseman appears in spirit form to take the head of the living. The central character in thestory, Ichabod Crane, ignored warnings about the danger and is an uncertain fate at the hands of the rider. Although Crane's rival in the story, Brom Bones,who disguises himself could be the rider is not explicit in the story if Crane is with the rider or Brom Bones.

Since the Headless Horseman was introducedinto popular culture, it has become an icon of terror, has appeared in many films, TV shows, comics and video games. There are different rider deaths so farare two: first beheaded by the sword and the second by a cannon that will remove the head

* The story was very good taste like me getinto the story and make the suspense that makes it so good

* is very good legend of Sleepy Hollow is very exciting

* The movie is very good is theterror then there were times I was afraid that if the headless horseman looked very good as real

* The legend is good but I loved this movie great supper
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  • el jinete sin cabeza

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