El Macho Jabon en barra

Páginas: 18 (4264 palabras) Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2015
Comunicación Social
Período Abril del 2015

Jabón en barra “MACHO”
Docente responsable: Adriana Illingworth Guerrero
Adrián García 0991516689 adrian.garcia@casagrande.edu.ec
José Alfredo Moscoso 0985454106 jose.moscoso@casagrande.edu.ec
Nicole Esteves 0990827849 nicole.esteves@casagrande.edu.ec
Valeria Trujillo0997118391 valeria.trujillo@casagrande.edu.ec
Vanessa Platón 0989812008 andrea.platon@casagrande.edu.ec
I. Introducción
II. Abstract
III. Antecedentes
IV. Marco Metodológico
Encuesta 1
Encuesta 2
Grupo Focal
V. Análisis del Mercado
Competencia Directa
Competencia Indirecta
VI. Análisis del Producto
Análisis FODA
VII. Marketing Mix
Las 4 P’s
VIII. Estrategia de Comunicación
IX. EstrategiaCreativa
Ración Creativa
X. Estrategia de Medios
XI. Presupuesto
XII. Anexos
XIII. Bibliografía

I. Introducción
Los productos que la gente utiliza para el lavado de ropa y limpieza se pueden encontrar en 4 presentaciones: jabón para lavar, detergente en polvo, barra detergente y detergente liquido. La presente investigacion es un estudio muy elaborado acerca de lo que opina la gente de Guayaquil sobreel uso del Jabon El Macho y sus ventajas y desventajas. En la actualidad existe mucha competencia en el ambito de jabones en barra por lo que es muy dificil posicionarse aquí.
Una de las desventajas que nos pudieron decir sus clientes es que le daña las manos al lavar debido a que es aspero y raspa mucho.
Asi mismo, una de sus ventajas es que tiene en el mercado desde 1945 y esto lo convierte enpionero en jabones en barra en el Ecuador. Posteriormente cambia su imagen e ingresa una nueva variante de color verde con fragancia a limón.

I. Abstract
(Resumen en Inglés)
Our background findings can show that bar soap has had a long history in the lives of consumers and people who wash clothes, specially housewives or stay at home moms. Important people, such as Galeno, were the ones who madesure to clarify once again the importance of bar soap since this had dissapeared from the mind of the consumers. Galeno rectified that bar soap wasn’t only for stains, but also to heal and clean dirt from the body. But once the washing machines appeared in Ecuador in the 20th century this made the demand for bar soap decrease by tons, and the competition increased, this being the powder soap.
Thisis where our investigation parted from, our methodolical framework includes surveys and interviews where we asked women from 25 years old and older about their grocery shopping, about the image of our soap, and their opinions.
The market analysis is based in our competition, direct and indirect. We classified the brands by most bought or the ones people most demanded. This brands included Deja,Lavatodo and Perla. After doing this investigation about our competition, we classified the indirect competition which where the brands who have had good positioning and steady increase in the market. These included Ciclon and Deja.
Speaking of product analysis about our bar soap EL MACHO, we can say that we have three different presentations. We have 220 gr, 350 gr and 480 gr. This product’smain focus is women, given the fact that they are usually the ones who do the cleaning around the house, which includes laundry and washing dishes. The sector which we focused on was médium and low médium, this was because we noticed that bar soap has a lower Price than powdered soap, which made us think that this was maybe directed for another target. With the investigation that we did, we realizedthat when it came to buying cleaning products women didnt really care much about the prices, they focused more on the quality of the product they were receiving. Aside from the low Price we offer, we decided to have special offers and discount techniques every once in a while to catch more people’s attention.
As an example we used the brand MR MUSCULO, since the name of the product makes it...
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