
Páginas: 3 (519 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012
Mummification was a process that involved many steps performed by specially-trained Egyptian priests . 
Mummification , practiced by the ancient Egyptians , was used to preserve the body for thepurpose of keeping the soul , or “ka” , intact for the journey through the afterlife . Because of the obvious religious implications behind mummification , the process was a long one performed by a teamof embalmers and priests who completed specific steps , along with prayers and rituals that would have guaranteed that the deceased would have enjoyed life beyond Earth . 
As part of their religiousdeath rituals , Egyptian priests mummified the body of the deceased in preparation for the afterlife . The process required that the internal organs of the body be removed to stop them rotting . To dothis , the corpse had to be cut open and each organ removed then placed into canopic jars . In return for the task , priests received limited gains . Priests wrote down the new methods and knowledgethey had been discovering . 
The priests of god Thoth were responsible for recording the medical knowledge of the Egyptians in the Book of Thoth . This gave detailed instructions to doctors on how totreat their patients . It combined religious ideas with practical ones . 

The Egyptian gods related to the process of mummification can be divided into two groups: some have to do with thejudgment of the dead and others presided over and protected the inhabitants of the Underworld . The first group includes gods Haroeris [Horus the elder , who guided the deceased through the chamber of theunderworld] , Maat [whose feather symbolizing truth was weight against the heart of the dead person] , Thoth [the scribe who recorded the actions of life] , and Anubis . The most important god of theDead who supervised the balancing of the heart on the scales , Anubis is depicted in funerary contexts where he is shown attending to the mummies of the deceased or sitting atop a tomb protecting it ....
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