Embracing nature

Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 5 de febrero de 2011
Embracing Nature

Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. Why are rainforests so important? Name three contributions to the environment.
A. Because the trees and allrainforest are “lungs of the planet”, the same breathable oxygen.
B. Also because yours species of plants are very important for medicines and drugs.
C. And in rainforests lives different species ofthe animals, and plants and trees. Is “Biodiversidad” of “flora y fauna” as example of the test of life.
2. What is the most destructive aspect of deforestation?
Of agreement with text is the handof the man, because with tools as chainsaws, and ploughed up by bulldozers, is say, cut de tree for two activities: made timber and industries, like cattle-rearing, (cow, livestock).
3. Who arethe members of the Chipko movement, and what they do?
Indian women are the members of “Chipko” movement. And who were developing the idea of stop the deforestation with your idea “tree-hugging”, thesewomen walked up to trees, hugged them, and refusing the cut and cutting down the trees. Most Indian women died for the cause.
4. Where is the largest rainforest?
The largest rainforest is in theAmazon Basin.
5. Do you believe that rainforest contribute in providing medicines for our health? Please comment on this item.
Yes, I do. Because in the rainforests have been most species orkind of the plants, than the medicine from always used to cure or relieve illness.
6. What is happening to the rainforests?
Now, the rainforests is suffering because the people of all worlds, wenot have been careful with the planet, throw much rubbish without recycling only dustman. The industry follow mass production in his hard work to obtain more money, without than nothing importance, northe health and nor the life. Each day more industries decrease the oxygen available, cutting more trees for the comfort of the people besides use for animal production and drug production (crop...
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