
Páginas: 3 (587 palabras) Publicado: 29 de mayo de 2010

There are very intelligent people for whom studying comes very natural; for others, however, it seems more complicated. Intelligence is important but itis not decisive in students’ success. Motivation and study techniques can help students to improve their performance in school. To set up an adequate environment, to take advantage of classes, and tobecome disciplined are some factors that will help a student to be successful in school.
The first basic factor to consider is the environment where a person is going to study. It is importantto have a specific place dedicated to academic activities. This place should have a comfortable chair, adequate levels of light and necessary implements such as books, notes and relevant tools.Avoid distractions. If the study place is located in the same room where there is a TV, a computer, a radio or a telephone, make sure these appliances are turned off. Although, if the computer isnecessary for academic purposes, focus its use for these purposes only and close distractive websites such as chat rooms and Facebook. The most important factor for a good study environment is your ownbody. Before studying, make sure you are not hungry, thirsty or sleepy. Listen to your body and take 6 to 11 minutes breaks every 55 to 60 minutes to prevent physical fatigue.
The second factorto be a good student is to take advantage of your classes. Before any class, make sure you read the topic of the lecture to be discussed. Active reading will help you to better comprehend theteachers’ explanation. Also, you can bring to class specific questions that the instructor will clarify. Go to class. There is always something important that teachers or classmates can comment which itwill help answer doubts or understand topics from a different perspective. Finally, take notes. Notes will keep you focused on the lecture and help you comprehend subjects better as you write the...
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