
Páginas: 5 (1057 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2012
University for Peace
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies
War and Propaganda: History, Analysis, Ethics
Professor: Randal Marlin

Mexican drug cartel propaganda
We start speak about propaganda from many years ego. From sixth century b.c.e. Pisistratus was reflection about possibility to influencing to public opinion. Aristotle, Quintus Cicero, Jacques Ellul and more brilliantpolitician, philosophers, sociologists, writers, journalist reflection about propaganda and it rules. Napoleon, Hitler, Lenin and more famous governments use propaganda and perfection it.

Over the centuries propaganda techniques changed with new form of communication, globalization and new distribution in international power. Propaganda was polish for use in Elections Company, maintain power, saleproduct, established peace. We have not negative perception about propaganda how in the time of Cold War. Now we speak about propaganda for resolve or prevent conflict, public relation and politic communication are new name of propaganda, commercial propaganda, political propaganda, social propaganda. There are millions specifications for propaganda and definition. But according Jaques Ellulpropaganda is “itself a technique, resulting partly from the application of the social sciences, including psychology, to technology. It is a technique used to promote acceptance of other techniques”[1]. With other world is a technique that helps promote ideas, change behaviors, manipulated emotions, for to achieve a stated purpose.

In this paper I want to analyze who Mexican drug cartel usepropaganda. For this purpose I will collect different techniques using for drug cartel and analyze it.

How start drug industry in Mexico? How many cartels there are? The most important leader in cartels. How many persons were killing, disappear.

Suddenly this is weird but a drug cartel has similar purpose that political party or, for example, was Nazi. They need recruitingmore people and promoted their ideas. Other important issues for their is scare their enemies: other cartel, police, government, journalist and the entire person that fighting against their. Also drug cartel need obtain control in more territory, created the image that modern Robin Hood that fighting injustice and help to poor people, wine respect and more power.


The drugcartel propaganda based in image of wonderful life with easy money, the most beautiful women, the best cars, the expensive mansions. If you are kingpin you have the best. Also you have power and respect. If we see something about drug cartel and their leaders is expensive, beautiful, brilliant and gold. And we do not need work years and years for have money for bay house, car and other consumingtings. In drug cartel life you have all and now. One of the propaganda drug cartel speeches say “is better live 5 years lake king that 50 lake ox”.


Structure of the organization

Target Audience

Drug cartel propaganda is for young people in general from very poor part of society. This young part of Mexican population does not have opportunity to study or to work.Absents of education, job, stability in the family, experience and knowledge make this people very vulnerable to drug cartel propaganda.

Media Utilization technique

If we look drug cartel leaders we can speak about changes third generation of narco dillers. Now sons and grandsons of legendaries drug leaders that have power in the cartels. They called “narcojunior” and this people use alot of news for of communication – the Internet.

We have 6 important form of propaganda: Narcomantas, Internet, Narco culture, Corridos, Graves and Censorship.

Narcomantas this is drug cartel newspaper. In general this is a big paper or part of white cloth where drug cartel write their messages. This is the mode of carrying the messange to people that discover drug cartel. Those messages...
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