Entrepreneurial mareketing in colombia

Páginas: 47 (11661 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2012
Santiago García, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

The research project held on an academic setting pursued the foundations for a State of the Science marketing education at business incubators and other public learning institutions oriented to develop knowledge centric entrepreneurships in Colombia. The paper explores entrepreneur´smarketing knowledge through fieldwork and data analysis, to propose a marketing rationale as a basis to start pedagogical constructs. A general linear model (GLM) encompassed analyses of variance (ANOVA) and regression, interpreting Entrepreneur´s Marketing rationale on different timeframes within three elements: Knowledge acquired from the outside (Environment). Specialized training andprocedures, formal and non-formal education thorough technical courses and so forth. (Affective and Cognitive) competences implemented and experienced as routines and finally, (Behavior) transferring that knowledge across business areas and embed it the final products. The Wheel of Consumer Analysis (WCA) applied within entrepreneur´s marketing rationale involves the above knowledge management process.ANOVA test explained significant artificial stimuli caused by an individual marketing variable to entrepreneur´s perceived environment, attitude, willingness and experience in applying a specific marketing strategy, factor analysis helps to determine appropriate marketing mixes for technology based entrepreneurial firms in terms of local idiosyncrasies, Multidimensional scaling unravels latentdimensions and explains strategic marketing rationale. Case study method helps developing marketing lecturing programs for subsequent implementation.
JEL: M14; M16
KEYWORDS: Emerging markets, Marketing Strategy, Economic development
In 1957, an integrated initiative from organized workers, Entrepreneurs, The Catholic Church and The International Labor Organization leaded to thecreation of SENA, the National Learning Service System. It´s a public establishment with an independent legal persona, patrimony and management structure; adhered to the Social Protection Department of the Republic of Colombia. SENA provides integrated education tailored to incorporate people at productive activities contributing to social and economic growth through technological development,fulfilling a government technical and social intervention function to the worker´s community throughout 116 education centers countrywide (The Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training, 2011).
Incremental coverage: by December 2006, SENA offered a total of 4’148.809 quotas of student training in progress, those of which 433.885 accounted for titled degree and 3’714.924to Continuing Education, with a utilization of 12’750.278 hours of class time. Compared to the 2002 student quota indicator, results showed an increment is of 263%. Besides, it managed to attend 1.098 country municipalities (SENA, 2011a).
After a thorough priority exercise, they formulated a (2007-2010) Strategic Plan called “Knowledge for Colombians.” This strategic plan included SENA´s mostrelevant strategic concerns regarding its orientation, structure, management performance, situational analysis, restrains and outcome evaluation between 2002 and 2006. As a timely reaction to main public and private demands from different industries, education institutions and society in general, this Plan secured professional education and its contribution to productivity and countrycompetitiveness according to the company´s long-term vision of providing the latest learning methods, meeting equity between the worker´s need and Business World Demand.
Among SENA´s core strategies included in the 2002 strategic plan, were the strengthening and undertaking of business consolidating activities committed to fostering an entrepreneurial culture triggered to innovate and compete. Both...
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