Entrevista tyler

Páginas: 35 (8524 palabras) Publicado: 25 de enero de 2012
Please cite the source as: Cordero, G. & García Garduño, J. M. (2004). The Tylerian curriculum model and the reconceptualists. Interview with Ralph W. Tyler (1902-1994). Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 6 (2). Retrieved month day, year from: http://redie.uabc.mx/vol6no2/contenido-cordero.html

Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2004

El modelocurricular tyleriano y los reconceptualistas. Entrevista con Ralph W. Tyler (1902-1994) Tyler’s Curriculum Rationale and the Reconceptualists. Interview with Ralph W. Tyler (1902-1994)
Graciela Cordero Arroyo (*) gcordero@uabc.mx José María García Garduño (*) josemariagarduno@yahoo.com.mx * Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California A.P. 453 C.P. 22830Ensenada, Baja California, México Resumen
Este trabajo presenta una entrevista que la primera autora realizó en 1990 a Ralph W. Tyler, uno de los educadores más importantes del siglo XX en Estados Unidos. Posteriormente se analiza la obra y el pensamiento de Tyler con la intención de clarificar algunos conceptos mal entendidos en su trabajo desde finales de los años setenta. Esta entrevista quizásea la primera y única que este gran educador dio a un académico

Cordero & García Garduño: The tylerian curriculum model…

iberoamericano y una de las pocas en las que externó su perspectiva sobre el movimiento curricular de los reconceptualistas, quienes fueron los más fuertes críticos del modelo tyleriano. Palabras clave: Historia del currículum, teoría curricular, objetivos conductuales,evaluación.

Ralph W. Tyler was considered one of the most influential of US educators during the last century. The purpose of this paper is to present an interview granted by Tyler to the first author of this paper in 1990. Tyler’s interview is preceded by a brief analysis of his work, in the hope of shedding light on some misconceptions that Tyler’s work has suffered since early 70s.The present interview may have been the only one given to an Ibero-American academician, and one of the very few in which Tyler was spoke openly about what he thought of the fierce criticism launched by reconceptualists against his curriculum rationale. Key words: History of curriculum, curriculum theory, behavioral objectives, evaluation.

So as long as there is education, there has got to be acurriculum. Ralph W. Tyler (1990)

Ralph Winfred Tyler was born in Chicago on April 22, 1902. In 1921 he obtained his A.B. in science and mathematics from Doane College, and in 1922 he became a high school teacher in the city of Pierre, South Dakota. In 1923 he received his A.M. from the University of Nebraska, where he began to specialize in the use of statistics in achievement tests. In 1927he got his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at the University of Chicago. At the invitation of Werret Chartes, his teacher during Tyler’s doctoral studies, Tyler moved to the Office of Educational Research of Ohio State University to direct the Department of Educational Evaluation. His presence and his work became well-known in the area of education, beginning with the Eight-Year Study, the greatestcurriculum research project ever undertaken. Tyler founded several research centers. As a consultant to several Presidents of the United States, he worked on various national committees and councils. From 1939 to 1946 he was a member of the National Committee on Teacher Education, and belonged to the National Science Board from 1962 to 1968. For nearly 72 years he was constantly active as ateacher, researcher, consultant and official. Tyler’s most important contributions were in the fields of curriculum and evaluation. He died of cancer in February of 1994.

Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa Vol. 6, No. 2, 2004


Cordero & García Garduño: The tylerian curriculum model…

I. The work of Ralph W. Tyler Ralph W. Tyler is considered one of the greatest educators...
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