
Páginas: 3 (515 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2009
Gastronomy of the United States
The Gastronomy of the United States corresponds to an interesting mixture very varied and something interpreted of other national gastronomies, this is thus because itis a created country essentially of immigrants coming from different countries from Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. Could denominate as native the Gastronomy of the Native Indians of North America and therest is a fusion of different gastronomical cultures taken to different ends, on the one hand is famous fast food full of its attractive marketing, on the other hand it is the traditional food basedon the cattle traditions of long ago, as much of cattle as ovine and goat.
Problems in the definition
In fact the traditional kitchen of the United States comes from the native cooking experiences ofthe existing ones before the colonization of earth. The consumption of some ingredients like the turkey (very celebrated in the Thanksgiving day), the maize, the beans, the sunflower, potatoes, thepeppers and diverse forms of cucumbers was typical in the cooking diet of the native Indians and is nowadays ingredients very celebrated in the regional American cooking specialties.

On form to theseingredients coming from the American native Indians one went with time adding other cooking customs and ingredients coming from the groups of immigrants who arrived massively and who came from Europe,Asia, Africa, etc. All of them carried their customs and ingredients that with time went away mixing, are therefore by that many American traditional plates own an original root in the gastronomies ofother countries. some of these examples can be found in, the apple cakes (Apple feet), the pizza, runzas, chowder and the hamburgers (is seen: History of the hamburger) all of them with a commonplate origin of the European kitchens. Another example can be the kitchen Tex-mex who is based with the Mexican and Spanish kitchen giving rise to chili con carne and to variants as the tacos in...
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