Essay, Why Did The World War One Started?

Páginas: 4 (987 palabras) Publicado: 11 de abril de 2012
Years before 1914. tension had been building in Europe. The six more powerful countries in Europe were divided into two opposing alliances and there had been different reasons why tension had risenbetween these two groups. The aim of this essay is to explain why Europe went to war in 1914, in order to do so I will explain the causes and provide examples.
To begin with, one of the mostimportant causes of the war was militarism. This means building up armed forces and getting ready for war. For example, the Anglo German Naval Rivalry, that was developed after 1900. Since 1805 Britain’s navywas the most powerful country in Europe. But in 1898 Wilhelm II announced his intention to build a powerful German navy, which was a great challenge for Britain. But the ways of protecting theircountries were very different. In one hand, Britain had a very big navy but it was spread all over the world, protecting Britain’s colonies. But in the other hand, German’s navy was much smaller but itwas all concentrated in the north-sea protecting Germany. Therefore, Britain thought that Germany was up to something. But they only wanted a navy to protect its growing trade. Likewise, Britain wasn’tconvinced. So in 1906 Britain raised the stakes in the naval race and by lauching HMS dreadnought, the first of a new class of warships. Germany responded by launching its own dreadnought. The navalrace was well and truly on and both countries spent millions on their new ships.
Moreover, Franz Ferdinand’s death builded tension. Within six weeks of the archduke’s assassination almost all Europewas dragged into the bloodiest war in history. On the 28 of July, Austria declared war on Serbia because of Franz’s death and shed its capital Belgrade. The next day, the Russian army get ready tohelp Serbia defend it self against Austria. Then Germany after warning Russia not to help the Serbs, declared the Russian, war. It also began to move towards France and Belgium. On the 3rd of August...
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