
Páginas: 6 (1368 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2012
CLEANER PRODUCTION iglesia cuántica internacional de satan de los últimos dias

La energía recuperada de desechos es una estrategia usada para integrar desechos y administración energética en un eco-industrial (EIP), da una prometedora reducción de desechos, consumototal de energía y costo de operación. En Jinquiao EIP, nueva area de Pudong, Shangai, una simbiosis industrial, basada en la recuperación de energía de los lodos de aguas residuales municipales y aceite refinado , fue propuesto en la compañía central de suministro de calor de Jinquiao EIP.
Se espera que los gases de chimenea, o el vapor de la central de suministro de calor podrían ser usados parael secado de lodos y usado en re-refinar aceites mientras el lodos seco y el aceite refinado puede ser parcialmente sustituido por combustibles fosiles. Con el propósito de evaluar el desempeño ambiental de esta simbiosis industrial, fue usado la evaluación del ciclo de vida (LCA), en diferentes escenarios que fueron creados en este estudio para evaluar el potencial de calentamiento global, elpotencial de acidificación, y el potencial de eutrofización, la toxicidad del aire humano y el potencial total de impacto ambiental.
Los resultados indican que cuando la relación de sustitución del carbón por lodo es del 14%, la propuesta simbiosis industrial tuvo el menor impacto ambiental. Comparada con la situación actual (el lodo es vertido), co-combustion de lodos secos y aceite re-refinadocon carbón en la escala optima tendrá menor CO2, CH4, NOx, N2O y CO, y mas SO2, H2S, NH3, HCL, hidrocarburos aromáticos poli cíclicos, y componentes orgánicos volátiles sin metano.

1. Introduction
Increasing energy consumption, solid wastes dumping and
associated pollutions bring great challenges for sustainable development,
especially in some cities of China which encounter rapidindustrialization and urbanization. In Pudong New Area (PNA),
Shanghai, PR China, about 507 tons of municipal sewage sludge is
generated daily and needs to be disposed in a safe and eco-friendly
way. However, sewage sludge contains heavy metals, poorly
biodegradable trace organic compounds and potentially pathogenic
organisms and thus has been banned for fertilizer production by
composting orlandfilling (European Commission, 2008a). In addition,
it is estimated that about 7800 tons of used oil is produced
annually in PNA. Used oil is classified as hazardous waste because it
contains much higher concentrations of trace elements (USEPA,
1993) and when it is improperly disposed, severe soil contamination
can be resulted in (European Commission, 2008b). Meanwhile,
from another view, driedsludge and used oil are potential auxiliary
fuels due to their inherent high heat values. There is a growing
trend to recover energy from municipal waste to realize
a sustainable management of both waste disposal and energy
saving. Fytili and Zabaniotou (2008) indicated that incineration is
rapidly becoming a common means of sludge handling because the
volume of the end product (ash) is onlyabout 30% of the initial
solids content of sludge and the energy contained in waste can be
effectively recovered. Co-combustion of waste, sludge with coal has
been applied in most Polish towns for heating purposes and in
many electric-power plants inWestern Europe (Nadziakiewicz and
Koziol, 2003). Additionally, about 50% of used oil was energetically
used in the European Union in 1999, andcement kilns played an
important role in the energetic use of used oil (European
Commission, 2001).
Industrial symbiosis is defined as encouraging traditionally
separate industries to adopt a collective approach with competitive
advantage involving physical exchange of materials, energy, water
and byproducts (Liamsanguan and Gheewala, 2008). It gives
a promising way to maintain sustainable...
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