
Páginas: 3 (630 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
Assignment Networking Concepts
The OSI Model:
1. What is a mnemonic that you could use to help you remember the OSI model?
A: All People Seem To Need Data Processing.
2. If you have a problemwith signaling on your network, that problem is taking place on which OSI layer?
A: Layer 1-Physical layer
3. Every Ethernet device has what type of address?
A: Mac address
4. When we use theterm, “The switching layer “ what OSI layer are we referring to?
A: data link
5. What OSI layer is the routing layer?
A: network layer
6. What OSI layer does Professor Meyer refer to as the “Postoffice layer”?
A: Layer 4: transport layer
7. Which layer deals with communication management between devices?
A: Layer 5- session layer
8. What layer is responsible for application encryption?
A:Layer 6-Presentation Layer.
9. On what layer does HTTP, FTP, and DNS work?
A: Layer 7-Application Layer
The TCP/IP Model
1. How many layers are there in the TCP/IP model? Note, Professor Messeruses the standard number which is one less than the number used in your business communication text?
A: 4 layers

2. What TCP/IP layer do routers operate at?
A: Internet layer
3. At what TCP/IPlayer does ARP operate at?
A: four link layer
4. At what TCP/IP layer does IP operate at?
A: Internet layer
The OSI model in the real world
1. What would we call a multiport repeater?
A: hub
2.How many bytes are there in a MAC layer address?
A: 6 bytes
3. Which OSI layer controls tunneling protocols?
A: Layer 5- Session layer
4. What protocol uses port 443?
Binary math
1.Make a conversion chart that shows the binary and decimal values for the 8 bits in a byte.
128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

2. What is binary 10 00 00 10in decimal?
A: 130
3. What is binary 11 11 11 11 in decimal?
A: 255

What is decimal 154 in binary?
A: 10011010
IP Classes
1. Does every network device need to have a unique IP address?...
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