
Páginas: 2 (343 palabras) Publicado: 14 de marzo de 2013
In this last period in the values subject we saw a movie called "Billy Elliot" from which I learned many things that will help me throughout my life. The movie was about a boy wholiked to dance, but his family did not support him because they thought it was for girls and that he would die of hunger if he devoted to dance. But in spite of what his family thought,the child's desire for dancing was so great that he continued to dance even knowing that was practically alone in what he wanted. But Billy found a very nice lady, her dance teacher,who showed him unconditional support if he wanted to dance. She spoke with the child's father but he did not change his mind. Until one day his father saw him dancing and saw that hedid it so well that since then, he supports him until he became an excellent dancer. Everything that happened in that movie I can relate it perfectly with what I've learned this yearin my career counseling. Since there are several factors that are essential when we're taking a decision about the future academically speaking. For example, through the film Irealized that the support of my family is going to be a very important part at the time to make a decision. I learned that if we are good at something, we have to try to develop our skillsand let us know. I learned that we must be faithful in what we want, that is useless follow what others want if we do not want it, we do not get anything. I learned that we mustalways be our best in what we do, try to do our best because you never know who can see our skills and can open us doors. I learned that no matter how hard we see fulfill our dreams, witheffort, dedication and optimism everything is possible.

“I have neither given nor received any unauthorized information aid in this homework”

Gabriela Rivera Escobar B4

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