Ethical implications of embryonic stem cell research

Páginas: 8 (1795 palabras) Publicado: 10 de enero de 2012
Ethical Implications of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The study of Embryonic Stem cells brings many obstacles between good and evil, right and wrong, utilitarianism and ethics .In 2003 Dr Stephen Minger and his team were the first ones to build colonies of embryonic stem cells in United Kingdom (Pincock, 2003). This might of have meant an optimistic discovery for many people, but atthe same time other people such as Pro-Life organizations, politicians and religious activist were protesting about the destruction of the embryo on Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR). Scientists should focus on Adult Stem Cell Research (ASCR). Adult stem cells come from the umbilical cord of newborns, bone marrow, skin and other organs. ASCR offers better benefits and does not createcontroversy. ASCR does not destroy life.

Ethical Implications on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Stem cell research is one of the most ambitious and successful studies that exists in our era. The great advantage of using these cells has provided cures for various diseases like leukemia, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and type I diabetes. The use of stem cells, particularlyembryonic stem cells, has caused great controversy because it involves the creation, use, and destruction of human embryos. People who sees life in every embryo rejects its destruction no matter when or how it’s done. The expectations of the results of the study of embryonic stem cells are unrealistic. For this reason more and more states, in the false belief that this study does miracles, areusing state money for research. Instead of focusing on adult stem cell research, a study that is less unrealistic and that has proven to be more beneficial. It is estimated that by 2018 approximately $ 1,857,164,604 of state funds will have been invested in ESCR (Moreno, 2007). Embryos should not be used on Stem Cell research, it is ethically and morally wrong because it affects directly the cycleof life.
In our time science advances by leaps and bounds. Diseases that had no hope now have some. The study of stem cells began in the 60's. In those days scientists would never have imagined the magnitude of this discovery. What are stem cells? It is believed that stem cells can develop into any of the 200 human tissues. What makes them different from other cells is they can be divided for anextended period of time without specializing, while other cells will never divide or reproduce. They can also be found in all multi-cellular organisms. Why do we study stem cells? Most of the diseases affecting humans are related to the wear and natural degeneration of the tissues for example Strokes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease (Becker, 1963). Until now, organ transplantation has beenthe response to diseases associated with human tissues, but there are very few donors and sometimes the body of the person receiving the organ does not react satisfactorily. In the case of heart attacks and strokes the dead tissue is not capable of repairing itself naturally, and this is why scientists research and cultivate stem cells. Stem cells regenerate naturally, and are being used to treatdiseases such as the ones showing on the Table below

Note. The Data in Table 1 and Figure 1 are from Buggey, T. (2007, summer). Storyboard for Ivan's morning routine. Diagram. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 9(3), 151. Retrieved December 14, 2007, from Academic Search Premier Database. Adapted with permission of the Author.
There are several different sources of stem cells:embryonic stem cell, adult stem cells, germline stem cells, and fetal stem cells. The most used are the embryonic and adult stem cells. Most of the embryos used in embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) come from in vitro fertilization. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a treatment against infertility, in this treatment several eggs are removed from the donor and fertilized in the laboratory. In some cases...
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