Expresionismo en ingles

Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 16 de noviembre de 2011
Expressionism is an artistic movement that seeks the expression of feelings and emotions of the author and the representation of objective reality.

It reveals the dark side of lifegenerated by the historical circumstances of the moment. The dark side of modernization, alignment, isolation, overcrowding, was evident in large cities and artists believed that they should capturethe inner feelings of human beings. The existential angst is the main engine of its aesthetics.

The aim is to enhance the emotional impact of distorting and exaggerating the spectatorareas. Represent emotions without worrying about external reality, but the inner nature and the impressions aroused in the observer. The psychological and expressive force is expressed through the strong and purecolors, shapes and composition twisted aggressive. No matter nor light or perspective, which is altered intentionally.

The expressionist masterpiece presents a dramatic scene, an inner tragedy. Hencethe characters that appear more concrete human beings play types. The primitiveness of the sculptures and masks from Africa and Oceania accounted for artists also a great source of inspiration.Precedents of Expressionism

We found some roots of Expressionism in Goya's black paintings, which breaks with the beliefs with which they represented the anatomy to dive into the innerworld. However, the immediate reference is Gaugain Van Gogh, both technically and for the psychological depth.

Another influential group is the symbolism, meaning the search in which the artist, limited objectivepainting, concrete feelings, states of mind, subjective fears, fantasies and dreams.

Expressionism begins with a preliminary period represented by the Belgian and Norwegian Munch Ensor.Influences of expressionism

Expressionist movements were developed mainly in Germany, a country socially out of sorts at the time. In many ramifications and nuances, taking influences from the...
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