
Páginas: 2 (286 palabras) Publicado: 1 de enero de 2012

Faith means to believe, Without doubt this is an abstract concept difficult to define. In my opinion is believing in something people do not see butthat above all doubts and worries people understand that things happens that way for something bigger and wise than them. Faith means total belief in somethingthat leaves no room for doubt, unlike the term "believe", which leaves room open for it. It is not the same as saying: "I think will back," to say "I have faiththat will back." There are two types of faith; faith divine and the one people can have for each others.
When we talk about divide faith is the relationship withGod or the spiritual form that every human being have. This faith is true, not because it involves evidence of a something seen. Is true because of what eachperson feels, it is real according to their connection with that entity that they believe.
In other hand the faith that people have for each other’s or then self,is the simple fact of putting trust between each others. When people have faith to thenself is the act of belief in their ability to do something in particular.It is totally different from the self-esteem that is more general, referring to the general opinion that people have for thenself.
Beyond the confines ofreligious faith is present in the development and act in all human beings. From one point of view we could not function in the world without faith or belief in orderand development of things, although in most cases do not have the evidence or knowledge as to "prove scientifically" these convictions simply we believe in them.
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