Falta de fierro en arandanos

Páginas: 16 (3907 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2011
Descripción de la situación o problema (fotos)
Diagnóstico y sintomatología asociada (que órganos y en que fechas se vieron afectados
Recomendación, estrategia de solución o corrección del problema
Referencias. Mínimo utilizar 8 artículos científicos o de extensión. Páginas webs.

Una planta con deficiencia de hierro muestra clorosis internerval, la cual aparece primero en lashojas jóvenes. En algunos casos las hojas se tornan completamente amarillo limón o marrones.
Suelos con altos niveles de fósforo pueden agravar la deficiencia de hierro.
La disponibilidad de hierro en la planta depende del bajo pH en el suelo, la acidez debería chequearse primero y corregirla si fuera necesario.
Con un pH de 4.5, el hierro contenido en las raíces de los arándanos es 100 veces másalto que el contenido en los brotes.
La presencia de nitrato de amonio aparece esencial para promover el metabolismo del hierro, y si se usa nitrato de amonio como fertilizante se reducen las deficiencias por hierro. Se puede aplicar sulfato ferroso (34% de hierro) 17 kg/ha. Excesivo uso del hierro bajo condiciones de alto pH ( 6,5) restringen el crecimiento de la planta.
Nutritional problems:Chlorosis (Yellowing Leaves): It’s not uncommon for blueberry leaves to begin to yellow or look chlorotic. Although this is usually a sign of iron deficiency, it is probably not caused by a lack of iron in the soil. More likely it is telling you that the soil pH is too high and the blueberry plants cannot access the iron that is already there. If you see yellowing progressing, have your soil pHtested and make adjustments
ISSUED: 6-88 
REVISED: 4-91 
J. R. Hartman, M. L. Witt, K. W. Wells, and W. O. Thom
Iron deficiency is a common problem of landscape plants in some Kentucky locations. This condition, also referred to as iron chlorosis or lime-induced chlorosis, occurs where soil is pH neutral or alkaline (pH 7.0 or above). Even a soil pHof 6.5 will cause problems for some plants. Woody plants that are particularly sensitive to iron deficiency, and consequently high pH, include: azalea, some birches, blueberry, dogwood, American holly, magnolia, various oaks in both the black and white oak groups, white pine, rhododendron and sweetgum. The problem is most commonly observed on pin oak, azalea and rhododendron. Not all mineraldeficiencies are iron-related, however. In these same high soil pH sites, maples may develop manganese deficiency and pecans may show zinc deficiency.
Chlorosis of younger leaves is the most common distinctive symptom of iron deficiency. Early symptoms are green leaf veins with yellowish or whitish (chlorotic) color between veins. As the problem worsens, newest leaves may become nearlywhite because leaf veins and areas between veins lack any green or yellowish-green coloring. Affected leaves are generally smaller than normal. Brown, necrotic areas may develop along leaf margins and between veins in severe cases. These symptoms may be similar to those caused by other nutritional disorders. To positively identify the problem you need to have a soil test and, in many cases, a leafanalysis. When iron deficiency symptoms progress further, some older affected leaves may become tinted reddish brown. Leaf drop, beginning at the terminals, may occur. In addition, terminal growth is stunted and twigs may die back. Over a period of years, unless treatment is given, branches will die back and the entire plant may succumb.
Correcting Iron Deficiency 
Start corrective action when youfirst observe and confirm the deficiency. If treatment is delayed until most of the terminal growth becomes chlorotic and twig dieback is prevalent, it may be too late to effect a cure. After treatment and for the next year or two, keep the plant growing vigorously by timely watering and fertilization.
(1) Acidifying the soil 
Although it would appear that adding more iron to the soil or tree...
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