Falta De Participación De Los Padres En La Vida Estudiantil De Sus Hijos.

Páginas: 2 (321 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2012
Lack of Parental Involvement

The parental involvement is very important in the life of a student, because in this the student can find support, advice, and help with theirassignment. We actually can compare an average student with has support of their parents, and another average student who has not the same support. The first place where we can seethe difference is in their grades, another aspect where we can see Changes is in its development with the environment, and the interaction with their peers and teachers.
This isnot a new topic which is the lack of parental involvement in college. In this topic we can see the influence of many problems which are like social problems, economic, workinglate, death of the parents, divorce, illiterate parents, or parents who were not able to reach high school and because of this reason they are not able to involve, or help theirsons. Is also widespread lack of parental support for their work does not allow them to maintain a suitable relationship with their children, today we see many parents who work lateand have no time for their children.

Another reason for this defect is the divorce of the parent and in the most common of this type of cases the part who has the custody of thechild is working the most of the time, to be able to raise the child.
In the case of the dead of one or both of the parents the student besides that he can maybe developdepression, but in many cases it has not support, because of the loss of their parents.

For these and many other similar situations is that today we see the Lack of ParentalInvolvement in college, but a good strategy is to get that support from friends, teachers and family members who are able to help and offer what the student need most, parental Involvement.
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