
Páginas: 2 (484 palabras) Publicado: 13 de noviembre de 2012
The Inca Empire

The lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, is located on the top of a mountain in the Urubamba valley .It is 120kilometers away from the city of Cusco, at 2,400m.a.s.l.
TheAmerican anthropologist Hiram Bingham discovered it in 1911.When you arrive in Machu Picchu you see two mountains: Machu Picchu, which means the old mountain, where the Citadel is, and Huayna Picchu, theyoung mountain.
The city has an agricultural area with a system of terraces, and an urban area for military, religious and housing purposes.
To go there you need to take a four -hour train ride to getto the village of Aguas Calientes. From there you take a twenty-minute bus ride up to the top of the mountain. But, if you are adventurous, take the Inca Trail and go walking
1. Read thefirst sentence of each paragraph. Can you tell what the text is about?
The text is the citadel of Machu Picchu, its location, its tourist sites and how long it takes to get there.
2. How high isMachu Picchu?
Machu Picchu is located at 2,400 masl
3. Was Hiram Bingham from Cusco?
Hiram Bingham was not Cusco
4. In your opinion, do you think Hiram Bingham was the first one to discoverthis city?
If, as is its official discoverer

El Imperio Inca

La ciudad perdida de los incas, Machu Picchu, está ubicado en la cima de una montaña en el valle del Urubamba. Está 120 kilómetrosde distancia de la ciudad de Cusco, a 2.400 msnm. El antropólogonorteamericano Hiram Bingham la descubrió en 1911.
Al llegar a Machu Picchu se ven dos montañas: Machu Picchu, que significa la montaña vieja, donde la Ciudadela es, y Huayna Picchu, la montaña joven.
Laciudad tiene un área agrícola con un sistema de terrazas y una zona urbana con fines militares, religiosos y de vivienda.
Para ir allí tienes que tomar un viaje en tren de cuatro horas hasta llegar al...
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