
Páginas: 5 (1149 palabras) Publicado: 27 de agosto de 2012
A Glorious Mess: EPA Notice Would Have Dramatic Impact on U.S.Military
EPA, which determined that greenhouse gas could be regulated under the Clean Air Act if the EPA found it to be a harmful "air pollutant." For all practical purposes, the notice is a blueprint for potentially massive new federal regulations, some of which will certainly impact the U.S. military.EPA officials and Congressshould carefully consider the impacts such a regulatory framework would have on the U.S. economy and the U.S. military, including live fire ranges, military testing, realigning forces or the movement of trucks, ships, and planes for training purposes, modernization efforts, and requirements for base realignments and closures.
Implications for the U.S. Military
Not only would the EPA notice havedramatic consequences for training and readiness, but it would also impact nearly every military installation in the country and the buildings therein, including residences, commissaries, gyms, movie theaters, and hospitals. According to the Government Accountability Office, the Department of Defense manages and operates about 577,000 structures worldwide (the majority in the continental UnitedStates) and over 500 stationary sites such as ranges.
National Security Exemptions Are Not Special Treatment
Waivers, which are often touted as a comfortable compromise, would not be enough under the proposed regulatory framework. Although the Clean Air Act offers a waiver option to the President, this tool remains of little use and will grow even more inadequate should greenhouse gasses be adopted asa pollutant under the Clean Air Act. Too often, waivers have become the new government panacea that allows policymakers to avoid making difficult decisions on national priorities. By law, each waiver must be justified under a paramount interest standard and revisited annually or triennially. This system is entirely too rigid to be compatible with the training and readiness demands of the U.S.armed forces. Since FY 2003, the military has sought to obtain a three-year grace period to flexibly manage readiness levels while searching for solutions to offset emissions in a given area. Although Congress has continually rejected this request, were greenhouse gasses to be regulated under the Clean Air Act, it would be paramount that Congress grant the three-year request to provide the militarythe time and space to accommodate the expansive new regulations.
Ramifications Must Be Thoroughly Examined and Debated
The U.S. military needs installations, weapons systems, and realistic training to do its job of securing the nation. In the military, training is not just for show. Realistic, live-fire exercises help soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines prepare for battle. Without robusttraining, the risk of casualties to U.S. forces increases. The U.S. military must be given special considerations and increased flexibility relative to other federal agencies during wartime to implement any new environmental regulations-particularly those on the scale currently proposed by EPA bureaucrats. Congress should carefully examine the impact the regulatory framework laid out in the EPA'sAdvanced Notice on Proposal Rulemaking would have on the military and should not go forward without serious discussion of these consequences.

Un lío Glorioso: La EPA Aviso tendría un impacto dramático en la USmilitary
EPA, el cual determinó que el gas de efecto invernadero podría ser regulada bajo la Ley de Aire Limpio si la EPA encontró que era una perjudicial "contaminante del aire." Para todoslos propósitos prácticos, la notificación es un proyecto para potencialmente masivos nuevas regulaciones federales, algunos de los cuales sin duda tendrá un impacto a los funcionarios de Estados Unidos y el Congreso military.EPA debe considerar cuidadosamente el impacto de dicho marco normativo tendría sobre la economía de EE.UU. y los militares de EE.UU. , incluidas las series de pruebas de...
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