Fundamentos Ciencia Política Prec 2 Uned 2010

Páginas: 3 (652 palabras) Publicado: 28 de agosto de 2011
1 PREC 9.2. [ING] · Lea el resumen (abstract) que escribió Seymour Martin Lipset de su artículo “The social requisites of Democracy revisited” y conteste a las siguientes preguntas:
In this paper Idiscuss the factors and processes affecting the prospects for the institutionalization of democracy throughout the world. I survey cultural and economic variables, religious traditions, variouselectoral systems, the importance of a participatory civil society, and the methods through which political parties should be structured to maintain stability. I conclude that, because new democracies havelow levels of legitimacy, there is a need for considerable caution about the long-­‐term prospects for their stability. In many countries during the 1980s and early 1990s, political democratizationoccurred at the same time as profound economic crises. Such conditions have already caused the breakdown of democratization in a number of countries. To attain legitimacy, what new democracies needabove all is efficacy, particularly in the economic arena, but also in the polity. If they can take the high road to economic development, they can keep their political houses in order. The opposite istrue as well: Governments that defy the elementary laws of supply and demand will fail to develop and will not institutionalize genuinely democratic systems. Publicado en: American Sociological Review59 (1994), pág. 1.

-­‐ ¿Quién era Seymour M. Lipset? Exponga algunos rasgos de su biografía académica? (Máx. 100 palabras) (1922), profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, es considerado como una delas personalidades de la sociología norteamericana de la postguerra. Fundador de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología (1946). Contribuyó a establecer las bases de la sociología política comodisciplina académica completamente institucionalizada. Sus estudios se enmarcaron dentro de la perspectiva pluralista de las bases sociales de los fenómenos políticos, hasta la finales de los sesenta....
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