General Objectives Loe

Páginas: 3 (576 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2012

Decree 1513/2006, issued on December 7th, containing the core curriculum for Primary Education in Spain. Article 3.

LOE 2/2006, passed on May 3rd, onthe main guidelines for the education system in Spain. Article 17.

a) To know and appreciate the values and norms of co-existence, learn to behave accordingly, prepare the children for activecitizenship, and respect human rights and pluralism in a democratic society.

b) To develop individual and team-working habits, effort, responsibility for their work, self-confidence, criticalawareness, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning process.

c) To acquire habits to prevent and solve conflicts peacefully, which will enable them to act autonomously inthe family and in their social groups.

d) To know, understand and respect different cultures and the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities of men and women andnon-discrimination towards the disabled.

e) To know and use the Spanish language and the co-official language of the Autonomous Community properly, and develop reading habits.

f) To acquire basiccommunicative competence in at least one foreign language, which enables pupils to express and understand basic messages and interact in everyday situations.

g) To develop basic mathematical competencesand begin to solve problems requiring elemental arithmetical operations, geometry and calculation and be able to apply them in ordinary situations.

h) To know and value natural, social andcultural environments and learn how to look after them.

i) To begin to use information and communication technology in the learning process, develop critical awareness for coding and decodingmessages.

j) To use different artistic expressions and start to create visual designs.

k) To value hygiene and health, accept different physical appearances, respect differences and use physical...
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