Genres Literaries- Beowulff

Páginas: 4 (921 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
It was Denmark, where the splendid palace Heorot is attacked by the monster Grendel, who is tormented by the constant screaming and singing in the palace of King Hrothgar and murderousservants and warriors of King Hrothgar, devouring them.
Then comes in the palace the warrior Beowulf, with a group of his supporters and offered to destroy the monster king. Beowulf sleep that night inthe palace with his warriors and returns that night Grendel to Heorot, tears down his solid doors and devours one of the warriors. Beowulf is awakened by the commotion and comes to the aid of theguard in melee, unarmed and naked, monster starts one arm and flees mortally wounded.
The next morning, everything is rejoicing in Heorot, but at night, Woktja, Grendel's mother, far more monstrous thanhis son, shows up to avenge him. Kill several men of Hrothgar.
The next day, Beowulf follows their trail through the meadow to his cave, where he finds. She asks a son and seduces him. She offershim a kingdom and riches in exchange for gold horn and accepts. Back saying he killed Grendel's mother and the town celebrates the king again and cedes the throne and commits suicide. Beowulf hasreigned after succeeding years Hrothgar. A slave is the horn and returns to Beowulf. The dragon returns to town and destroys it furiously. Beowulf goes to meet him to avenge his people, but the reaction ofthe dragon has terrified both his subjects, only Wiglaf prepares to accompany. After a fierce battle, both manage to kill the beast, but Beowulf dies badly injured. Wiglaf passed power, and entruststhe kingdom. Beowulf receives a Viking funeral: his body is placed in wooden funerary boat driven offshore. Wiglaf throws a flaming spear into the raft, fire logs, and the corpse of the monarch islost in the distance.

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