Gistedness And Language

Páginas: 12 (2961 palabras) Publicado: 18 de agosto de 2011
Language development and literacy
Ana Maria Ramirez
Teacher: Stefan Sikora
Research Paper

According to some sources, there is not a definition for a gifted learner, but it is possible to give an approach to it. We can start by giving a definition of giftedness. Giftedness is an exceptional general ability or abilities in more than one area. Different from a skillthat is learned or acquired behavior, giftedness is usually believed to be innate. Giftedness, as talent and creativity, cannot be taught but it can be encouraged.
Generally, gifted individuals learn more quickly, deeply, and broadly than their peers. Gifted children may learn to read, speak early and operate at the same level as normal children who are significantly older. The gifted tend todemonstrate high reasoning ability, creativity, curiosity, a large vocabulary, and an excellent memory. Without constant repetition, they can master concepts. They may also be physically and emotionally sensitive, perfectionist, and may frequently question authority or everything that is not normally questioned by a common child. Some have trouble relating to or communicating with their peers becauseof the vocabulary level (especially in the early years), personality, interests and motivation. As children, they may prefer the company of older children or adults, or even worse, they prefer to be alone. These are just characteristics to mention, but the focus characteristic we have to be aware of is language, for it is the basis of everything above.
It is common to use the expression "giftedand talented ", for those children who perform or show the potential at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when they are compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment. A gifted child presents a considerable achievement in one or more areas such as: general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative thinking, leadership ability, visual and performing arts andpsychomotor ability. For this reason, there are many ways of giftedness, and in children, one of these areas can be more predominant than others, but in my opinion, what will always be leading giftedness is the advanced language ability.
According to Woodliffe (1977, Pg 8 & 9), The early facility in language development makes evident when children has a capacity for abstract thinking; is ableto generalize, organize and relate experiences; tends to think logically and to give solutions to complex problems, these could be related to creativity and imagination; and last but not least, he/she has these intense criteria or critical thinking and questioning attitude that makes him/her more self-aware.
To be more specific, we can start describing the development of language in the fourmanifestations Vail outlines in Words Fail me! Certainly, listening is what children develop first. Gifted children may have the ability to filter more successfully the information that they receive, because they are more susceptible and sensitive to the environment, in other words, their senses are more open than usual. Thus, gifted children tend to begin talking early. While most children say theirfirst word at around one year of age, gifted children may begin speaking when they are nine months old or so. Some parents report that their children said their first word even earlier. However, one problem could de forcing children to develop speaking when they are not ready and when they are simply not physically developed enough to control their mouths, tongue, and lips to make the speechsounds they need. They may push their lips and nearly turn blue with the effort and then become quite frustrated when they cannot make the sounds they want. Teaching babies the sign language could be a good way to help these children express themselves without premature and unnecessary vocalization.
On the other hand, it is relevant to keep in mind that not all gifted children speak early. In...
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