Giving Voice To Values

Páginas: 2 (380 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012
Giving Voice to Values
POST- Decision Making
It is NOT about deciding what the right thing is
How Managers raise issues in an effective manner
What to DO & SAY in order to BE HEARD
How tocorrect an existing course of action when necessary
Positive Examples -> People who found ways to VOICE
Alignment INDIVIDUAL -ORGANIZATION sense of purpose
CONSTRUCT & PRACTICE responses.As there are MANY ways to voice our values…

Not only the most effective approach depending particular situation but GIVEN PERSONAL STYLE.
Does NOT mean we need to preach
We will want to considerneeds, desires, emotional investments of the individuals whom we are speaking
Context of power and infuence
Seek out different perspectives!!

Reasons andRationalizations

Barriers for pursuing a course of actions that may confound our own sense of organizational and personal purpose.

Understand REASONS and MOTIVATIONS that guide behavior + choices ofthose we want to communicate.

RECOGNIZE AND NAME the argument to reduce its power -> Then CHOICE BECOMES POSSIBLE!

Ethical Dilemmas -> 4 CATEGORIES:
Truth vs Loyalty
Individual vs CommunityShort vs Long Term
Justice vs Mercy
Most Common Arguments / Rationalization:
Expected or Standard Practice
Locus of Responsibility: eg->“I’m just following orders”
Locus of Loyalty: eg->“It’s not fair to curtomer, but I don’t want to hurt my team/boss/reports…”

Useful Patterns of Reasoning and Levers

Think in the LONG as well as the SHORT run
Consider the situation in termsof group’s and firm WIDER purpose vs immediate transaction
Consider the assumed definition of COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE -> it + valuable to suggest an alternative model for competitiveness based uponoverall and long term excellence.
Position oneself as CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT agent vs source of complaint.
Position oneself as source of Actionable Alternatives

Point out Addictive Cycles: ↑...
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