Gray wolf

Páginas: 3 (542 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2011
Gray wolf
Gray wolves are all Canis Lupus subspecies except two, domestic dog and dingo. The gray wolf, often known as wolf, is the largest extantwild member of the Canidae family. Though once abundant over much of Eurasia, North Africa and North America, the gray wolf inhabits a reduced portion of its former range due to widespread destructionof its territory, human encroachment, and the resulting human-wolf encounters that sparked broad extirpation. Even so, the gray wolf is regarded as being of least concern for extinction bythe International Union for Conservation of Nature, when the entire gray wolf population is considered as a whole. Today, wolves are protected in some areas, hunted for sport in others, or may be subject topopulation control or extermination as threats to livestock, people, and pets.
Gray wolves are social predators that live in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair, their offspring and,occasionally, adopted immature wolves. They primarily feed on ungulates, which they hunt by wearing them down in short chases. Gray wolves are typically apex predators throughout their range, withonly humans and tigers posing significant threats to them.
Genetic studies reaffirm that the gray wolf is the ancestor of the domestic dog. A number of other canis lupus subspecies have been identified, though theactual number of subspecies is still open to discussion.
In areas where human cultures and wolves both occur, wolves frequently feature in the folklore and mythology of those cultures, both positivelyand negatively.

Los lobos grises son Canis Lupus subespecie, excepto dos, perros domésticos y dingos . El lobo gris , a menudo conocido comolobo , es el mayor miembro de la salvajeexistentes Canidae de la familia. Aunque una vez abundante en la mayor parte de Eurasia ,África del Norte y América del Norte , el lobo gris habita una porción reducida de su anterior debido a la destrucción...
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