Greek Writers

Páginas: 2 (299 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2012
Essay Greek Writters.

Did you ever wondered What ancient greek writers thought, that inspire them to write? Here Some important authors

Homer, Hesiod, Sappho’s, Phytagoras, Aristotle,Pindar, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Menander, Callimachus, Apollonius of Rhodes, Plutarch of Chaeronea, Herodes Atticus, Pausanias.

Aristotle write about 200 treated, we alsoknow 31, on that 31 treated he talk about society, politics, logic, phisics etc.

Empedocles was a politic philosopher, he was devoted to wisdom.

Homer write about histórical events.Sofocles was a poet,, he based his poems to tragedy in Greece, but he also talk about politic problems that happen to the citizens.

Pericles was a huge influence on politics also Athenian orator.Prodico was a Greek philosopher, was part of the first generation of Sophists.

Heraclito was also a Greek philosopher His style refers to the judgments of the Oracle

Anaximes was also aphilosopher he was a disciple and companion of Anaximander.

Jenofonte was a historian, military and Greek philosopher known for his writings on culture and history of Greece.

Platon was aGreek philosopher, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle. His influence as an author and has been invaluable insystematizing the history of philosophy.
was a Greekphilosopher. Born between 530 to. C. In the city of Elea, a Greek colony in southern Magna Grecia (Italy), a city which also owed ​​its legislation.

Admired expert in rhetoric that swept theworld Greek charging hefty fees for their knowledge about the correct use of words orortoepeia. Plato is credited as the inventor of the role of the professional sophist or teacher of"virtue" (understood not as "goodness" but as knowledge and ability to succeed mundane).

In conclusión there were alot of writers on ancient Greece that were philosophers, and talk about politics and...
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