Heeart Bisection

Páginas: 4 (854 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2012
Title: Bisection of a pig heart

Daniela Bonilla, Manuela Luque, Esteban Osorio, Santiago Rozo and Maria Jose Vasquez

Objective: Determine which are the different parts of the heart, how theywork, and how blood flows by applying different methods, taking into account that the heart has well-defined muscular walls and the rhythmic contractions make blood flow.

Description of the problem:How does it work? How does the blood flow? Which are the different parts it has?

Formulating a hypothesis: The heart has four chambers meaning that the low oxygenated blood and the high oxygenatedblood flows through different parts of the heart without mixing together, the pulmonary artery which takes blood to the heart is next to the aorta and the vena cava. The parts of the heart are: rightventricle, left ventricle, right atrium and left atrium, the right side of the heart carries the low oxygenated blood and the left side carries the high oxygenated blood, the aorta, vena cava andvalves are also included. We think that this heart could work with one type of blood flowing through one side and the other one flowing through the other side without mixing together.

Material: A pigheart, camera, latex gloves, 1 metal tray, surgical instruments such as: one scalpel, two tweezers, two dissecting forcepsone, one long instrument with a pick at the end. Caution: be aware of handlingthe scalpel without adult supervisión, instruments must always be well maintained and kept in order; they also have to be sterilized.

Procedure: First we observed the heart and began to takepictures from different angles and determined which were the parts that could be seen and took notes about what we saw, then opened it, and started to observe the different parts and continued takingpictures, for this part, we began to touch different parts, and stick our fingers into them, we watched where every opening led us to determine which type of heart it was, observing the color and the...
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