
Páginas: 5 (1030 palabras) Publicado: 12 de marzo de 2013
Biology is the science that studies living beings
* Anatomy: studies the internal structures of living beings.
* Physiology: studies the metabolic functions of living beings.
* Embryology: studies the development or developmental patterns of organisms.
* Cytology: studies cells and their characteristics.
* Histology: studies the tissues of living beings.
* Genetics: studiestransmission of heredity.
* Ecology: studies the interaction of organisms with each other and their environment.
* Evolution: studies the changes in the characteristics of organisms through time and the creation of new species.
* Taxonomy: studies the classification of living beings.
Aristotle - created the first classification of living beings into vertebrates and invertebrates.
ZachariasJansen - Invented the microscope.
Robert hooke - Discovered small cavities in a cork, which he called cells.
Henri Dutrochet - Established that cells are the basic unit in the structure of living beings
Charles Darwin - Proposed the Theory on the Evolution of the Species through Natural Selection..
Louis Pasteur - Created the first rabies vaccine.
Watson and Crick - Proposed the tridimensionalmodel for the DNA molecule.
The most important inorganic molecules are water and mineral salts
Fossils: physical proof of life in the past.
Microevolution: occurs within species on a reduced scale and over a short period of time. An example is the resistance of insects to pesticides
Macroevolution: explains diversification of species into one great species.
 cell is the smallest unit of life and hasthe characteristics of living beings,
Schwann, Schleiden and Virchow postulated the principles of the Cellular Theory:
* Every living organism is formed by one or more cells.
* The smallest living organisms are unicellular, and, as stated by its name, are formed by a single cell.
* All cells are born from preexisting cells.

Prokaryotic cells : Have a cellular wall that shapes and protectsthem. Under the cellular wall is the plasmatic membrane. DNA genetic material is not enclosed within a nuclear membrane, but rather distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Prokaryotic cells are 1 to 10μm size and lack a nucleus, hence their name
Eukaryotic cells: These cells are more complex and larger, ranging from 10 to 100 μm in size. Their DNA is protected and isolated from other organellesbecause it is found within the nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have ribosomes, cytoskeletons and membranous organelles. There are three types of eukaryotic cells: fungal, vegetable and animal
Organelles: structures delimited by a membrane, in which the basal metabolism functions are performed.
Membrane systems: a series of channels, bridges or unions between organelles and the interior-exterior of thecell. 
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions occurring in living being.
Cell metabolism is based on the cellular combustion of energetic substances (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), a process that releases the potential energy stored in these molecules by breaking their chemical bonds. This energy is stored in the Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 
Metabolism is divided into twostages: catabolism andanabolism.
A set of reactions in which complex molecules are transformed into simple ones. This occurs during cellular respiration,
A set of reactions in which more complex molecules, such as polysaccharides, enzymes, lipids and nucleic acids, are made from simple substances. It requires energy in the form of ATP.
ATP is a molecule that represents cellular energy andis involved in all operations that occur in cells, like photosynthesis, respiration, the exchange of materials through the membrane, among others. It is the most common member and greater distribution of energy-rich triphosphate esters; it consists of an adenine molecule, one molecule of ribose, and three phosphate groups.
A trophic level is the stage which includes all organisms in a particular...
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